Page 84 - Sectional Title Policy Wording
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 Cyber Insurance (Claims-made Basis)
Notwithstanding General Exception 5, Cyber exclusion, and subject to the Terms, Condition and Exclusions of this Policy, including this Section, Hollard agrees to:
1. Cyber liability
indemnify You for amounts You are legally liable to pay as Loss resulting directly from a Claim first made against You and notified to Hollard in accordance with the Provisions of this Section during the Policy Period as a result of a Wrongful Act.
2. Crisis management expenses and notification expenses
pay Crisis Management Expenses and Notification Expenses incurred by You resulting directly from a Claim first made and notified to Hollard in accordance with the Provisions of this Section during the Policy Period as a result of a Wrongful Act.
3. First party expenses
pay First Party Expenses incurred by You during the Restoration Period, resulting directly from a Claim first made and notified to Hollard in accordance with the Provisions of this Section during the Policy Period as a result of a Wrongful Act.
4. Cyber extortion
reimburse Cyber Extortion Loss incurred by You resulting directly from a Claim first made and notified to Hollard in accordance with the Provisions of this Section during the Policy Period as a result of a Wrongful Act.
5. Digital media liability
indemnify You for Loss which You are legally liable to pay resulting directly from a Claim first made against You and notified to Hollard in accordance with the Provisions of this Section during the Policy Period as a result of a Harmful Act;
1. Hollard’s maximum liability for all payments on claims made during the Policy Period, including all Expenses, shall be the lesser of the applicable Defined Event Limit of Indemnity or the unpaid portion of the applicable Aggregate Limit of Indemnity in the Schedule for this Section for each Policy Period, regardless of the number of Claims or applicable Defined Events;
2. claims involving the same or directly related Wrongful Acts or Harmful Acts constitutes a single Claim, originating at the earliest date a Claim is first made alleging such Wrongful Act or Harmful Act;
3. Hollard is only liable to pay that part of each Loss or Expenses that exceeds the applicable Deductible. The Deductible is applicable to each and every Claim;
4. should more than one of the Defined Events be applicable to a Claim, the highest of the applicable Deductibles stated in the Schedule shall be the sole Deductible applied. Any applicable time Deductible would apply in addition notwithstanding the aforementioned;
5. neither General Provision 1 nor any other Extensions of cover contained in the Policy shall apply to the cover provided under this Section unless otherwise stated in the Schedule.
This Section forms part of the Policy and to the extent of any inconsistency between the General Exceptions, Conditions and Provisions of the Policy and this Section, the General Exceptions, Conditions and Provisions of this Section will prevail.
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