Page 178 - Agriculture Policy Wording Binder
P. 178
6.1 The estimates and declaration of total wages, earnings or salaries on which the premium hereunder is based shall include all items of remuneration which fall under the definition of "Annual Earnings" within this Section.
6.2 In the event that such allowances are not included in the estimated or declared earnings these amounts will not be included in the computation of any claim.
OPTIONAL CLAUSES AND EXTENSIONS (if stated in the Schedule to be included) Accident Expert assistance
The Company will provide the Insured with the Accident Expert assistance provided by Roadcover in respect of assistance with claims under the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) or claims under the Road Accident Fund (RAF), as set out in the Annexure ‘1’ to the Policy Schedule.
Provision of these services will be subject to the assistance services standard terms conditions provisions and procedures as described in the Annexure “1” attached to the Policy Schedule.
The following additional provisos are applicable in respect of the above mentioned Accident Expert assistance:
1. The injured person has to be an Insured Person in terms of this Section and be employed by the Insured.
2. Any costs incurred by an injured Insured Person, being approached by an outside party without the written consent of Roadcover will not be covered.
3. The injured employee is at all times free to get outside second opinions but the cost of these will not be covered unless approved in writing by Roadcover.
4. The injured employee is not obliged to use these assistance services and may seek alternative assistance in the event of which the Company will not be liable for any incurred costs.
5. The Accident Expert Assistance services are only available for Accident, injury or incident that occurs in the Republic of South Africa.
6. At the time of the Accident, injury or incident the Insured and the Insured Person must comply with the legal and regulatory matters required by the Acts governing the Compensation Commissioner in terms of COIDA and/or the RAF.
7. The Accident Expert Services provided by Roadcover does not guarantee performance from or by the Compensation Commissioner (COIDA) and/or the RAF.
HIV accidental exposure
If an Insured Person becomes infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus "HIV" as a result of an accidental bodily exposure arising from and in the course of his employment, the Company will pay to the Insured, on behalf of the Insured Person or his/her estate, the amount stated in the Schedule.
For the purposes of this Optional Extension an Insured Person does not become infected with "HIV" within the meaning of this Insurance unless;
1. within a period of 24 (twenty four) hours, following the accidental exposure, the Insured Person makes an official report of such exposure to the nominated responsible person within the Insured’s organisation, who in turn within 72 (seventy two) hours must provide written notice to the Company of such accidental exposure; and
2. within 72 (seventy two) hours, of such exposure, the Insured Person undertakes a test performed by a registered medical practitioner in accordance with laboratory and clinical criteria representing good clinical practice at that date which demonstrates that the Insured Person does not have Human Immunodeficiency Virus; and
3. within a period of 3 (three) calendar months from the date of the accidental exposure and during his lifetime the Insured Person is first diagnosed by a registered medical practitioner as being "HIV" positive, the diagnosis being made in accordance with laboratory and clinical criteria representing good clinical practice at that date.
Specific Conditions
1. The Company are entitled to require any test to be duplicated by a registered medical practitioner of their choice.
Stated Benefits
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Policy Wording – Agriculture – Binder – Version 2 2023