Page 239 - Agriculture Policy Wording Binder
P. 239

 Livestock & Pedigree Animals
 Blue tongue
Specific Exception 11.5 of this Section is cancelled; PROVIDED THAT:
the particular pedigree animal has been inoculated against this illness within the 12 (twelve) months prior to the death thereof and;
the serum has been correctly stored and used as prescribed in the directions of use.
Memo applicable to Pulpy Kidney and Blue Tongue
It shall be a condition prior to the admitting of a claim under this Section that proof of inoculation in the form of a certificate signed by a veterinary surgeon or if the Insured has administered the inoculation himself/herself a certificate signed by the Insured and counter signed by a neighboring farmer shall be received by the Company immediately after the administration of the inoculation and prior to the occurrence of a claim.
Freezing of livestock or pedigree animals
In consideration of the payment of an additional premium the word ‘freezing’ stated in Specific Exception 1 is cancelled and cover under this Section is hereby extended to include the following:
loss or damage in respect of death or destruction of the livestock or pedigree animals described in the Schedule directly caused by:
1. storm, wind, water, hail and snow;
2. freezing with the exception of loss or damage due to a drop of temperature which is not accompanied by storm, wind, water, hail or snow;
1. the Insured shall be responsible for the following first amounts payable in the event of each and every claim which may occur:
1.1 Angora goats:
1.1.1 Within 2 months after been shorn – 1.1.2 Otherwise –
1.2 All other goats and sheep:
1.2.1 Within 2 months after been shorn – 1.2.2 Otherwise –
1.3 Large animals: –
2. no cover in terms of this Extension will be applicable within the first 7 (seven) days after inception of such cover.
Gall sickness
Specific Exception 11.3 of this Section is cancelled.
Heartwater fever
Specific Exception 11.2 of this Section is cancelled.
Hijacking cover
In consideration of the payment of an additional premium Specific Exception 14 of this Section is cancelled and cover is extended to include loss of or damage to the property as stated in the Schedule as a result of Hijacking;
the Insured shall be responsible for the first 20% (twenty percent) of each and every claim.
25% of the claim (Minimum R500) 10% of the claim (Minimum R500)
10% of the claim (Minimum R500) 5% of the claim (Minimum R500)
10% of the claim (Minimum R500)
 Policy Wording – Agriculture – Binder – Version 2 2023 Page | 237

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