Page 120 - Hollard Private Portfolio - Version 3.3
P. 120
Paying out after a claim
How much we pay
We pay out the exact amount of cover that you chose when you signed up for this policy. So any claim is settled simply by referring to the Schedule of compensation below:
○ death
○ medical expenses
○ permanent disability
○ temporary disability
Certain pay-outs are limited
− as stated in the Schedule
− up to the limit as stated in the Schedule
- as shown in the disability table
− the weekly benefit as stated in the Schedule.
Under the following circumstances, we pay less than the benefits stated in the Schedule:
○ for children 6 months and older, but younger than 6 years of age, we pay up to the limit stated in the Schedule
○ for children 6 years and older, but younger than 14 years of age, we pay up to the limit stated in the Schedule
Temporary disability
○ for unemployed persons, we will pay up to the limit stated in the Schedule
○ the following categories of people do not qualify for temporary-disability benefit:
– children under 15 years of age
– students who are not full-time employees
○ for the weekly temporary-disability benefit, the maximum we will pay is the limit stated in the Schedule. Death following permanent disability
If death follows after we have already paid out for permanent disability, we do not pay more than the the limit stated in the Schedule.
EnRouteTM – Personal accident
Key terms to understand
You Accident
Bodily injury Your vehicle
The insured person in whose name the policy is issued. It also includes up to the number of passengers stated in the Schedule
An incident involving your vehicle that an insured person could not foresee, that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally at an identifiable time and place, and results in death or bodily injury
Injury sustained by you in an accident with your vehicle while you are driving, travelling as a passenger in it, or getting into or out of your vehicle. It also includes injury due to hijacking and terrorism involving your vehicle
Any vehicle insured under the motor section of this policy at the time of the accident, and for which a valid claim has been accepted by us, except for motorcyles including three-wheel and four-wheel motorcyles. The vehicle must be enclosed and allowed to legally carry passengers
If your death limit is R150 000 and you die after we have already paid out R100 000 for permanent disability, we will pay out an additional R50 000. If, however, you received R150 000 for permanent disability, then no further pay-out will be made when you die.
118 Hollard Private Portfolio – Version 3.3 – 9 Feb 2023