Page 123 - Hollard Private Portfolio - Version 3.3
P. 123
EnRouteTM – Personal accident
If you are injured in a road accident as a result of another driver’s negligence you will be assisted to claim against the RAF. This free service will include:
○ legal representation
○ administration and management of your claim
○ up to 8 medico-legal reports from RoadCover medical experts when required by the RAF
○ actuarial reports
○ accident reconstruction.
Any pay-out from the RAF will be paid to you without any deductions.
Who is entitled to claim?
○ any individual that has been injured as a result of a negligent driver
○ the dependent of a deceased victim
○ a close relative of the deceased in respect of funeral expenses
○ a claimant under the age of 18 who must be assisted by a parent or legal guardian.
What can you claim for?
○ past and future hospital and medical expenses
○ past and future loss of income or earnings
○ past and future loss of support for the dependent of a deceased or disabled victim
○ general damages for pain, suffering and disfigurement in the case of bodily injury
○ necessary funeral expenses.
What is not covered
Certain activities, actions or medical conditions Pre-existing medical conditions
We do not cover claims resulting from, or aggravated by, any pre-existing or congenital physical disability, infirmity, illness or disease. This also applies to any condition for which you received medical treatment or advice prior to the bodily injury.
Driver’s licence
We do not cover claims where the driver of the vehicle was not in possession of a valid driver’s licence at the time of the motor accident. This will not apply to passengers who can prove that they were unaware of this.
Military, police or criminal actions
We do not cover claims resulting from your participation in military, police or criminal actions.
Irresponsible actions
We do not cover claims resulting from the following irresponsible actions:
○ suicide, attempted suicide and intentional self-injury
○ wilful misconduct or exposure to danger
○ while the alcohol content in your blood exceeds the legal limit
○ being under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs, unless prescribed by a medical practitioner.
This will not apply to passengers who can prove that they were unaware of your intention or condition.
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