Page 35 - Hollard Private Portfolio - Version 3.3
P. 35
In addition, the following conditions apply to roofs of thatch or wood and chimneys:
○ Thatch roofs
– Under no circumstances should steel pipes, cables or electric wiring be in direct contact with the
– There must be adequate clearance between the thatch and metal objects under it.
– Where metals used in the construction of the roof are not bonded and earthed, a minimum clearance of one metre must be maintained between metals in the roof, water pipes, vent pipes, tanks, gas pipes, antennas, telephone, bell wires, burglar alarms, electrical wiring and conduits.
○ Wood or thatch roofs treated with fire retardant
– If you have a wood or thatch roof and it is treated with a fire retardant, then it must be maintained
according to the manufacturer's specifications or at a minimum interval not exceeding 3 years.
– You must supply us with written proof of the maintenance, if required by us.
○ Conditions for a chimney
You must take all reasonable steps to make sure that your chimney complies with the relevant National Building Regulations regarding the height of the chimney and the materials used to construct it. The following conditions also apply to chimneys:
– The chimney must not create a fire hazard to any adjacent material.
– A non-combustible flashing must be installed on the roof around the chimney.
– The chimney must protrude at least one metre higher than the thatch around it on all sides.
You must tell us of the actions of your tenants
You must tell us as soon as possible if your insurance risk might be affected by the actions or neglect of your tenant living on the property. An example is if your tenant changes the security measures. In such cases, we may impose additional terms, conditions and exclusions.
Notify us about any improvements to your buildings
If you increase the value of your buildings through any alterations, extensions or improvements, we will increase your cover by up to the percentage stated in the Schedule, provided that you tell us immediately and pay any additional premium required.
Comply with national building regulations
You must take all reasonable steps to ensure that the buildings comply with National Building Regulations, and that your building plans have been approved by the local authority. Generators, for example, must be fitted according to the latest published SANS standards. The installation must be done by a qualified electrician and you must be supplied with a SANS compliance certificate.
Subsidence and landslip – Limited and Extended cover
○ If you are required to do so, you must prove that the loss or damage you are claiming for was caused by subsidence, landslip or ground heave.
○ If during the construction of the building or any subsequent additions to the building the services of an engineer was necessary to meet Building Regulations, the buildings and outbuildings must meet the engineer’s requirements. If they do not, your subsidence, landslip and ground heave cover may be affected.
Power surge protection device
If you choose to install a surge protection device, it must be SANS approved, installed on the main electrical distribution board and the device must:
○ Be designed to withstand peak surge currents of 40kA phase to neutral and of 12kA (10/350) neutral to earth.
○ Be wired in terms of SANS 10142-1 Connection type 2.
○ Have a mechanical fault indication.
○ Be installed by a registered electrician who must provide a Certificate of Compliance for the installation.
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