Page 41 - Hollard Private Portfolio - Version 3.3
P. 41

 Household contents
 Accidental death
If you are under the age of 80, and you die within 12 months of sustaining an injury on your premises, we will pay out according to the limit stated in the Schedule for your age. If you, the policyholder named in the policy schedule, die, then we pay your legal representative or your estate.
Alternative accommodation or loss of rent
If your building becomes uninhabitable because of damage to it caused by an insured event, we will cover you for the following:
○ If you live in the building, we will cover you for the cost of living in alternative accommodation of similar value and location as the insured building, for you, your domestic employees and pets. We will also cover you for emergency accommodation we have agreed to, for up to two nights, whilst you are finding alternative accommodation of similar value and location.
○ We will arrange transport and storage for your contents, if required.
○ If you rent out the building, or part of it, we will cover you for the loss of rental income payable by the tenant.
This cover will apply until the earliest of the following:
○ The insured building becomes habitable again.
○ The limit stated in the Schedule has been reached.
The cover in this section does not apply when the buildings are being structurally altered.
Baggage cover
We will cover loss or damage of luggage while in the custody of the airline. We will also cover the cost of purchasing reasonable emergency essential items of clothing and personal belongings when your luggage has been delayed, misdirected or temporarily misplaced by the airline or airport outside your permanent place of residence.
Cover for purchasing reasonable emergency essential items requires written proof of delay from the transport provider, as well as receipts of the purchased items. We will not cover delayed baggage on return to your permanent place of residence.
Clearing-up costs
We will pay for the cost of removing any household goods debris from your premises after a claim.
Credit/debit-card fraud
We will pay out for losses arising from the fraudulent use of your credit card or debit card during any 12-month period of insurance.
Damage to fridge or freezer
If your fridge or freezer stopped working due to load shedding, or mechanical, electronic or electrical breakdown, we will pay for the replacement of the fridge or freezer, up to the limit stated in the Schedule, if all of the following apply:
○ your fridge or freezer was off for a period of at least 48 hours
○ we decide that the fridge or freezer can no longer be used due to spoilt food causing contamination or odour
○ your electricity was not cut off because you have not paid your bill.
This limit can be increased if you select the optional Accidental damage – extended cover.
Damage to guests’ property
We will cover loss or damage to household items belonging to any non-paying, temporary guests caused by an insured event in your home or outbuildings. However, this does not include money and negotiable instruments, or any items insured under any other policy.
 Hollard Private Portfolio – Version 3.3 – 9 Feb 2023 39

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