Page 56 - Hollard Private Portfolio - Version 3.3
P. 56
Additional cover you can choose
In addition to the standard cover outlined in the preceding pages, you can also choose to be covered for loss or damage in the case listed below. Check your Schedule now to see if you have chosen this additional cover.
Remote blocking – unspecified property
If unspecified property is stolen from your vehicle without any forced entry and you blame that on interference with your remote control by a jamming device, then you must prove it to us. The amount of the pay-out will depend on whether the evidence is acceptable to us and whether it can be backed up by CCTV footage. Check your Schedule now to see what the applicable limits are.
What is not covered
The following specific items
Under no circumstances do we cover the following items under All Risks:
○ vehicles, motorcycles, scooters, three-wheeled vehicles, quad-bikes, motorised lawnmowers, golf carts, trailers, caravans, hang-gliders, aircraft (other than remote control aeroplanes/drones if specified) or pleasure-craft – or any of their fitted equipment and accessories
○ remote-controlled aeroplanes/drones while in use or in flight
○ money, credit cards, debit cards, phone cards, deeds, bonds, bills of exchange, promissory notes, cheques,
securities for money, manuscripts or documents of any kind
○ cameras and photographic equipment used for business purposes or financial gain.
The following events
We do not cover you for loss or damage that is caused by:
○ flaws or defects, whether present when the item was new or discovered afterwards
○ fluctuations in atmospheric or climatic conditions, or the effects of light
○ any process of cleaning, dyeing or renovating
○ bursting, rusting, corrosion or deterioration
○ defective – design, specification, construction, workmanship or material of the insured property
○ lack of maintenance or upgrading
○ wear and tear or any other gradual deterioration
○ chipping, scratching, denting or breakage of porcelain or similar articles of a fragile nature
○ loss or damage while items are mailed or couriered unless specifically agreed by us in writing
○ theft from an unattended vehicle, except in the following instances:
– The vehicle itself is securely parked (for instance inside a locked building or behind locked gates), and there are clear signs of forcible or violent entry into the building or the premises; or
– The vehicle is locked, there are clear signs of forced entry and the item is out of view, for instance inside a locked boot, inside the glove compartment or under a seat; or
– In the case of remote jamming, you will be covered up to the limit stated in the Schedule.
○ electrical, electronic or mechanical breakdown, unless accompanied or caused by other insured damage.
All Risks
54 Hollard Private Portfolio – Version 3.3 – 9 Feb 2023