Page 64 - Hollard Private Portfolio - Version 3.3
P. 64
Personal liability
If you have Buildings cover under this policy then you automatically get Property Owner’s Liability cover.
For the home you own
If you own the private residential building, we cover you for the following instances of personal liability:
○ loss or damage caused by an insured event specified under the Buildings section
○ death, bodily injury, loss or damage that arises directly out of your ownership of the home specified under the Buildings section.
Towards your domestic worker
If you own the private residential building, we also cover you for the following instances of personal liability towards your domestic worker, provided that these arise out of their employment duties:
○ loss or damage to their property
○ bodily injury or death.
This cover overrides any exclusion around domestic employees that may feature elsewhere in this policy.
Renting out your home
If you own the private residential building that you have let or rented out to a tenant, we cover you for the following instances of personal liability:
○ loss or damage caused by an insured event specified under the Buildings section
○ death, bodily injury, loss or damage that arises directly out of your ownership of the home specified under the
Buildings section.
Your tenants are regarded as third parties for the purpose of this cover.
Towards paying guests
We will cover you for legal liability towards paying guests, who are injured or die because of an accident that happens at your risk address.
If you have Buildings or Household contents cover under this policy then you automatically get Spread of Fire Liability
We will cover your legal liability resulting from the spread of fire from your premises. The following conditions apply to this cover:
○ You must comply with all the requirements of the National Veld and Forest Fire Act (if applicable).
○ If a Fire Protection Association (as required by the above Act) has been registered for the area where your
premises are situated, you must be a member of that Association.
There is no liability cover for the loss of, or damage to, plantations, forests or sugar cane.
Cover is limited to the amount stated in the Schedule for plots and farms. A plot (also referred to as a smallholding or agricultural holding) or a farm is a property that has been zoned for agricultural use. This does not necessarily mean that the property is used for agricultural purposes.
62 Hollard Private Portfolio – Version 3.3 – 9 Feb 2023