Page 88 - Hollard Private Portfolio - Version 3.3
P. 88

 Personal accident
 Irresponsible actions
We do not cover claims resulting from the following irresponsible actions that clearly have a high risk of injury or death associated with them:
○ suicide, attempted suicide and intentional self-injury
○ wilful misconduct
○ being drunk or under the influence of drugs.
Certain medical conditions
We do not cover claims resulting from the following medical conditions that have a high risk of injury or death associated with them:
○ insanity and neurosis
○ stress and any related conditions
○ any physical disability, infirmity, illness or disease that you already had when the policy started.
Your specific responsibilities
Seek immediate medical treatment
In the event of a personal accident likely to lead to a claim, you must immediately see a registered medical practitioner, and follow any treatment that is recommended.
Agree to regular medical examinations
You must submit to any medical examination that we require of you, as often as required. We will pay for these medical examinations.
Tell us of important changes
You must tell us immediately of any changes to your health or lifestyle that are likely to have an effect on your risk profile. Examples are:
 ○ ○
a serious illness or any physical infirmity
a career change that results in a more hazardous occupation.
Hollard Private Portfolio – Version 3.3 – 9 Feb 2023

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