Page 91 - Hollard Private Portfolio - Version 3.3
P. 91
Conditions of use of your vehicle
How you may use your vehicle
This insurance policy carefully defines how you may use your vehicle in order for the cover to be valid. There are three categories of use:
○ Private
Private use (social, domestic, pleasure), as well as emergency travel to and from work.
○ Private and work
Private use (social, domestic, pleasure), as well as all travel to and from work
○ Private, work and business
Private use (social, domestic, pleasure), all travel to and from work, as well as travel for business or professional
purposes excluding travel for commercial purposes
If the use of the vehicle changes during the life of the policy, and you forget to update us of the new use, you will have to pay an additional excess, as shown in the schedule, in the following scenarios:
○ You told us that the vehicle use is Private and at time of claim the use is Private and work or Private, work and business.
○ You told us that the vehicle use is Private and work, and at time of claim the use is Private, work and business.
If you were dishonest or intentionally misrepresented the facts, your claim will be rejected.
Note that the following are excluded:
○ Renting the vehicle out;
○ Carrying passengers for financial gain, whether on a fare-paying or hire basis;
○ Paid driving instruction; carrying trade samples or goods;
○ Racing, speeding, motor sport, rally, time trial or while being tested in preparation for any motor sporting activity, or while being driven on a motor sporting circuit or track of any kind;
○ Use on recognised 4x4 off-road trails (these are named and registered off-road trails which you pay a fee to drive on) and while the driver is receiving off-road training instruction at any off-road training facility;
○ Driving on a motor sporting circuit or track of any kind, unless during an advanced driving course where all of the following apply;
– The driving course is accredited by the Advanced Driver Training Industry Board of South Africa (A.D.T.I.B of S.A).
– At the time of the accident, the driver is under instruction of the approved and accredited driving school instructor.
– The accident happens while the driver is following the instructions of the driving school instructor.
○ Towing a vehicle for financial gain;
○ Use while the vehicle is overloaded;
○ Use of motorcycles, scooters, three-wheeled vehicles, quad-bikes, motorised lawnmowers, trailers, caravans, motorised caravans or golf carts for business or commercial purposes;
○ Whilst in the custody and control of the motor trade for any purpose other than the overhaul, upkeep or repair of the vehicle (for example – your vehicle is covered when at the auto repairer for repairs but it is not covered when at the motor dealer because you are selling it).
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