Page 54 - Hollard Private Portfolio - Version 3.4
P. 54
○ Trauma counselling: We will pay the cost of a registered professional counsellor for the treatment of trauma suffered by a paying guest due to theft, burglary, hijacking or fire that occurred on your property up to the limit shown in your policy schedule. We will not pay you for expenses recoverable from any other insurance.
This benefit does not provide the benefits of a medical scheme and is not a substitute for medical scheme membership.
Increase in sum insured over holiday season
We will increase the sum insured of your contents by the percentage in your policy schedule during the holiday period of 15 December to 31 January.
Imminent danger security costs
We will pay the reasonable and necessary security costs, preventative measure costs or protection of property costs incurred to prevent imminent loss or damage to your property that would be covered under this policy.
Important documents
We will pay the cost of replacing the following important documents if they are lost, damaged or stolen from the home or any other location in the world:
○ An identity document, driver’s licence and passport.
○ Valuations for your home and contents.
○ Wills and the land title to your home.
○ Marriage and birth certificates.
○ Contracts and agreements.
○ Education certificates.
There is no cover for manuscripts.
Keys, locks and remote controls
We will pay for the cost of replacing lost, stolen or damaged keys, locks and remote controls, as well as the call-out costs of a technician and the reprogramming of any coded alarm system. This will also apply if you have reasonable suspicion that an unauthorised person has access to duplicates.
Check your policy schedule now to see if this limited cover is likely to be sufficient to cover the full replacement cost in the event of loss or damage. If you feel that it is not enough, you may ask us for additional cover so that we can increase the limit.
We cover any loss of or damage to money inside the private residential building. We will not cover any losses outside the private residential building or in an outbuilding.
There is a limit for money as shown in your policy schedule, but cover is further limited for theft of money in the following instances:
○ There are no visible signs of forcible or violent entry into either the private residential building or locked safe mounted onto the wall or floor.
○ Money is not kept in a safe. Office contents
We will pay for loss or damage to any goods or equipment in your home or outbuildings that are solely used for administrative or clerical work in your home office – for example, in your home profession or any one-person business that you run on the premises. If, for example, you are a plumber we will cover your office desks, cabinets and computers but not any of your tools, equipment or material you use to install or repair any plumbing.
Household contents
52 Hollard Private Portfolio – Version 3.4 – 17 Aug 2023