Page 108 - Policy Wording - Hollard Business Binder (2020-06-24)
P. 108

 Stated Benefits/Group Personal Accident
  Class 3
   a) manual work involving the use of tools and machinery
b) other than woodworking or other dangerous machinery, cutting type machinery
c) exposed to moderate hazards
d) motorcycle drivers, delivery men
e) farm workers
f) long haul (truck) drivers
   Class 4
  a) woodworking and other dangerous machinery, equipment or materials
b) exposed to specific high occupation-related hazards in the course of their employment
c) working at heights, scaffolding
d) stand-up comedians
e) professional hunters
f) any profession considered hazardous not mentioned elsewhere
g) construction workers
   Declined occupations (not limited to)
 a) professional sportsmen/women
b) air hostesses and pilots
c) members of defence force, police, military, armed forces
d) security guards or security patrols
e) singers and actors, any occupation in the entertainment industry
f) racing drivers, off-road instructors, professional or otherwise, unless purely social and domestic
g) working in refineries and fuel depots
h) working with or storage of explosives
i) mining and tunnelling
j) whilst participating in:
1. gliding
2. polo on horseback
3. polocrosse
4. steeple-chasing
5. hang-gliding, parachuting and sky-diving
6. scuba-diving, white-water rafting and tubing
7. bungi-jumping, rock climbing
8. or any activity similar thereto
k) scholars and day crèche and day care kids
l) motor cyclists
m) cyclists and/or professional cyclists during any organised competition
Notes regarding occupational classes:
In some cases a lower category may be appropriate subject to the exclusion of certain hazardous undertakings for example, use of woodworking machinery. To avoid any possibility of doubt it may be necessary to define the occupations precisely by adding terms such as 'superintending only' or 'not using woodworking machinery'.
a) Occupations that require individual consideration are:
Sales Representative (Technical) – where duties entail going underground on a regular basis decline cover. There is no cover for underground activities.
Commercial Underwriting Mandates and Guidelines – Binder – Version 2 2020

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