Page 116 - Policy Wording - Hollard Business Binder (2020-06-24)
P. 116

 2.6.4 Hollard does not have a preferred supplier or specific make/model of tracking device to be installed. The only prerequisite is that the tracking device must be an early-warning-type which means it must have an advance-warning movement detector or the system must notify the tracking company when the vehicle moves.
2.7 Passenger liability
2.7.1 Cover for private type vehicles and LDV’s is included up to the Third Party Liability limit noted on the Policy Schedule.
2.7.2 Cover for commercial vehicles (excluding special types), motorcycles and buses is also now automatically included but limited to R2 500 000. This limit may not be increased.
2.8 Windscreen/Glass
2.8.1 Cover is now automatically included subject to the vehicle being comprehensively insured on the policy.
2.8.2 If the Insured elects to replace the damaged windscreen/glass with alternative or generic glass (as approved by Hollard), the windscreen excess of 25% of claim, minimum R500 will be waived. Please ensure that the Policy Schedule is endorsed accordingly.
2.8.3 There is no excess applicable to windscreen/glass repair.
2.9 Excess waiver/buyback (only applicable to Private type vehicles and LDV’s up to 3 500kg GVM)
2.9.1 This optional extension only waives the basic excess. The windscreen/glass, theft/hi-jack and penalty excesses still apply.
2.9.2 Not available to multi-claimants, drivers under the age of 25 years or drivers who have held a license for less than 5 years.
2.9.3 It is advisable to only apply this extension on a named driver basis.
2.10 Voluntary excess
2.10.1 The voluntary excess is in addition to the standard policy excess.
2.10.2 Please see table below for discounts applicable:
R2 500
R5 000
R7 500
R10 000
Any greater amount
2.5% R500 5% R750 7.5% R1 000 10% R1 500
Refer Hollard
  Voluntary excess
  Max value of discount
Towing and release fee limitation
2.11.1 2.11.2
In the event that the insured vehicle needs to be towed, the Insured must make use of a Hollard approved assist line.
Should this not be the case, the towing and release fees will be limited to:
• R2 850 (two thousand eight hundred and fifty rand) (VAT inclusive) for vehicles with a GVM up to 3 500 kg; and
• R5 500 (five thousand five hundred rand) (VAT inclusive) for vehicles with a GVM above 3 500 kg.
Any amount in excess of the above will be for the Insured's own account.
Commercial Underwriting Mandates and Guidelines – Binder – Version 2 2020

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