Page 127 - Policy Wording - Hollard Business Binder (2020-06-24)
P. 127
All areas
Applicable to both business and farmers' use
Optional extension
Rate and limit/excess
Wreckage removal
(in excess of wording limit – available for all vehicle types)
a) R15 000 at R120 per vehicle per annum
Third party liability
(available for all vehicle types)
a) R2 500 000 (included)
b) R5 000 000 at R150 per vehicle per annum
c) Limits in excess of R5 000 000 to be referred
Parking facilities and movement of third party vehicles
(in excess of wording limit – available for all vehicle types)
a) R2 500 000 at R150 per vehicle per annum
b) Limits in excess of R2 500 000 to be referred
Unauthorised passenger’s personal injury liability
(vehicles with a GVM of 3 500kg and above – excluding special types and busses)
a) R2 500 000 at R350 per vehicle per annum
b) R5 000 000 at R700 per vehicle per annum
c) Limits in excess of R5 000 000 to be referred
Car Hire
(Private type vehicle and LDV's with a GVM less than 3 500kg)
a) Daily limit of R300 at R1 200 per vehicle per annum (max 30 days)
b) Daily limit of R500 at R1 800 per vehicle per annum (max 30 days)
c) Daily limit of R1 000 at R3 300 per vehicle per annum (max 30 days)
Loss of Use
(Vehicles with a GVM of 3 500kg and above)
a) Daily limit of R1 000 at R3 600 per vehicle per annum (max 30 days)
b) Daily limit of R1 500 at R4 500 per vehicle per annum (max 30 days)
Roadside assist
(private type vehicle and LDV’s with a GVM less than 3 500kg only)
a) Private type vehicles at R102.60 per policy annum
b) LDV's with a GVM less than 3 500kg at R68.40 per vehicle per annum
5.1 Please
5.2 Avoid:
refer to Annexure A
5.2.1 transport business including long haul;
5.2.2 couriers and delivery services;
5.2.3 construction vehicles;
5.2.4 plant (third party only as usually on site covered by Plant policy);
5.2.5 staff schemes;
5.2.6 motor dealers;
5.2.7 armed response and security;
5.2.8 kit cars;
5.2.9 code 3 (three) vehicles;
5.2.10 government vehicles (traffic, police, municipalities, fire brigade, military and the like);
5.2.11 taxis;
5.2.12 leasing or hiring firms;
5.2.13 vehicles on rails;
5.2.14 vehicle tracking companies;
5.2.15 driving schools;
5.2.16 tow-in vehicles.
Commercial Underwriting Mandates and Guidelines – Binder – Version 2 2020 125