Page 144 - Policy Wording - Hollard Business Binder (2020-06-24)
P. 144
3.6 Pedigreed animals cannot be insured on a selective basis under the Livestock Section. Therefore a single pedigreed animal is better suited under Section Pedigreed Animals as the illnesses insured against are more specific.
3.7 Horses (bloodstock) cannot be covered in terms of the section for pedigreed animals, only under this Section Livestock.
3.8 Transit cover for horses can be considered under Section Transit but limited to fire, collision and overturning of the means of conveyance (standard cover only).
3.9 Theft of livestock is a decline.
1. Death as a result of fire and lightning, including food poisoning up to 65% of value
2. Transit
3. Attack by dogs and predators
4. Frostbite, freezing and drowning
5. Hijacking of vehicle with load
6. Accidental food poisoning
7. Riot and Strike
Minimum section premium
Annual Monthly
10% of claim minimum R1 000
10% of claim minimum R1 000
10% of claim minimum R1 500
10% of claim minimum R1 000
25% of load value
25% of value
10% of claim minimum R1 000
R1 500 R135
Cover options
8. Maximum indemnity:
a) Single animal: R35 000
b) Accumulation: R1 000 000
Commercial Underwriting Mandates and Guidelines – Binder – Version 2 2020