Page 163 - Policy Wording - Hollard Business Binder (2020-06-24)
P. 163
Rate Premium
5.2 Liabilities
Third Party R500
Third Party – Jet ski’s R300
Passengers (non-paying) R300
Passengers (non-paying) – Jet ski’s N/A
Third Party in respect of water skiers R300
5.3 Additional rates to apply
Glitter, decoration 0.5%
Vessel exceeding 6 meters but not 10 meters 1.75%
Speed exceeding 50 knots but not exceeding 75
knots 1%
5.4 Riot and strike 0.025%
Minimum section premium
Annual Monthly
R2 500
R2 500
R1 000
R2 500
Additional R500
additional R750
Additional R1 000
10% of claim minimum R1 000
R1 000 R90
Submerged objects:
damage to hull only – rubber ducks and jet ski’s excluded from this cover
Additional R1 000
Submerged objects:
damage to hull and motor – not applicable to rubber ducks and jet ski’s
Additional R1 000
Commercial Underwriting Mandates and Guidelines – Binder – Version 2 2020