Page 24 - Policy Wording - Hollard Business Binder (2020-06-24)
P. 24
4.5.1 4.5.2
all chimneys must comply with National Building Regulations such as the height of the chimney and the materials used to construct it. It must not create a fire hazard to any adjacent material;
a non-combustible flashing must be installed on the roof around the chimney."
Thatch/Timber/Non-standard Construction
Lightning conductors and fire protection
"If a lightning conductor is installed it must comply with the following requirements:
1. the height of the lightning conductor must be adequate enough to cover the entire building from roof to ground level, with a minimum of a 45˚ (forty five degree) angle;
2. where chimneys or gables are not protected a peripheral conductor must be installed around or along them and the conductor must be appropriately earthed;
3. the lightning conductor must be appropriately earthed to an electrode;
4. where metal is used in the construction of the thatch roof such as wire mesh or metal-coated insulation, the lightning conductor must be separately earthed;
5. under no circumstances should steel pipes, cables or electric wiring be in direct contact with the thatch;
6. there must be adequate clearance between the thatch and metal objects under it;
7. where metals used in the construction of the roof are not bonded and earthed, a minimum clearance of 1m (one metre) must be maintained between metals in the roof and water pipes, vent pipes, tanks, gas pipes, antennas, telephone and bell wires, burglar alarms and electrical wiring and conduits;
8. the lightning conductor must be serviced at least once every three years by a specialist installer of conductors;
9. the fire extinguishers must be maintained and serviced at least once a year."
Chimney warranty
"It is hereby warranted that:
Commercial Underwriting Mandates and Guidelines – Binder – Version 2 2020