Page 31 - Policy Wording - Hollard Business Binder (2020-06-24)
P. 31

 2.4 Building construction
Non-standard and flammable construction carry a loading which is noted in the table below and must be added to the base rate:
  Addition to base rate
Buildings of brick or concrete construction with roof material other than thatch or other combustible material.
a) Metal cladding on metal frame.
b) Refer to Thatch/Timber/Non-standard section, point 2.2.
Buildings constructed of wood or similar flammable material or any building roofed with thatch or other combustible material.
a) Separation of 5 metres and more between standard and flammable constructions.
b) Separation of less than 5 metres but less than 10% of the size of the standard construction.
0% 0%
  Under construction/renovation:
A separate Contractors All Risks policy is recommended.
2.5 Flood levels, rivers
2.5.1 With changing weather patterns and neglected riverbanks this is a real problem and should be addressed with each and every proposal.
2.5.2 Under no circumstances must any sum insured be increased or any new item added to the policy once a warning has been issued or at the onset of heavy rainfall.
2.5.3 Usually no building plan is approved if the structure is within the 'known flood level'. The terminology used is '50-year flood level' which indicates the number of floods per average period.
2.5.4 Do not insure a risk that is situated less than 250m (two hundred and fifty metres) from sea shore.
Prior to quoting on the risk, review the following:
3.1 Packaging
3.1.1 Non-hazardous stock, for example electrical and optical goods, is often packed in highly combustible material such as cardboard, polystyrene and polythene film resulting in rapid fire spread and heavy smoke contamination.
3.1.2 Shrink-wrapping is not combustible but tends to reduce the efficiency of water used to fight the fire.
3.1.3 Spare parts and similar equipment are often packaged in an oily type paper or oil is added to prevent rust. This is a potential hazard that should be identified.
3.1.4 Property is not only damaged by the fire itself but also by smoke, soot and water used to fight the blaze.
3.2 Special perils
3.2.1 Special Perils should be excluded for goods left in the open unless such goods are specifically designed to be in the open.
3.2.2 Ensure that the property underwritten in the open can withstand weather conditions.
3.2.3 The rate is contained in the underlying rate.
   Commercial Underwriting Mandates and Guidelines – Binder – Version 2 2020 29

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