Page 42 - Policy Wording - Hollard Business Binder (2020-06-24)
P. 42

An automatic sprinkler sprinkler system is required in terms of SABS standards and must be certified by ASIB or the ECSA which takes the following into consideration:
a) storage of any type of goods where the storage height is more than 3m (three metres);
b) the type of packing material and storage;
c) size of the building;
d) local authority requirements;
e) water pressure and availability.
The following warranty must apply:
"It is warranted that the automatic sprinkler system and all other fire extinguishing appliances insofar as they are under the control of the Insured shall be kept in proper working order.
It is further warranted that in respect of the sprinkler system:
a) The Insured has entered into an agreement with the Automatic Sprinkler Inspection Bureau (Pty) Ltd or any person registered with ECSA (Engineering Council of South Africa) as a "Fire Protection System Practitioner" who has attended a recognized sprinkler design and calculation course, whereby the Bureau or registered ECSA representative undertakes to carry out the inspections and certification in strict accordance with the stipulated requirements outlined in the maintenance portion of the standard, e.g. every 13 weeks for a SABS 0287 designed sprinkler system, generally quarterly for NFPA, British Standard and FM Global designed sprinkler systems and bi-annually (every 6 x months) for any ASIB designed sprinkler system. This agreement is maintained in force during the currency of this insurance.
b) The sprinkler system has a valid ASIB or ECSA clearance certificate.
c) The stack heights of goods as laid down by ASIB or ECSA in their certificate will not be exceeded nor in any case will goods be stored within 0.5m (half metre) of any sprinkler head for ordinary hazard or 1m (one metre) in the case of high or extra high hazard sprinkler systems.
Subject to the observance of these warranties the insurance shall not be invalidated by the failure of a water supply from circumstances outside the control of the Insured provided that such failure shall be rectified as soon as it comes to the Insured’s knowledge or if it cannot be rectified the company be advised in writing thereof.
Subject otherwise to the terms, exceptions and conditions of the policy."
5.2.1 Acceptance of this type of risk is not encouraged and is subject to referral and acceptance by Hollard.
5.2.2 A full survey is a minimum requirement.
5.2.3 On acceptance, the warranty must apply without exception.
"It is warranted that:
a) all woodworking waste is swept up and removed from the building(s) daily before closing;
b) no impregnation or preservation of timber is done involving the use of flammable liquids having a flash-point less than 79 degrees Centigrade;
c) no polishing or paint-spraying involving the use of flammable liquids having a flash- point less than 38 degrees Centigrade is done;
d) no upholstering is done and no upholstering materials stored;
e) no drying, seasoning or conditioning of timber by artificial heat is done."
Automatic sprinkler systems
Commercial Underwriting Mandates and Guidelines – Binder – Version 2 2020

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