Page 47 - Policy Wording - Hollard Business Binder (2020-06-24)
P. 47
Buildings Combined
3.3 Solar systems and wind generated power systems
Refer to point 4.20 under the Fire section.
3.4 Non-standard construction
Refer to the section: Thatch/Timber/Non-Standard Construction.
3.5 Shade nets, plastic covers, tunnels or similar growing tunnels
Refer to point 4.8 under the Fire section.
Risk Classification
Min Rate Allowed
Max Discount Allowed
L – Low
M – Medium
H – High
X – Extra High
4.1 Riot and Strike
0.100% 0.120%
0.185% 0.225%
0.290% 0.340%
Decline Decline
0.080% 20%
0.120% 35%
0.200% 30%
Decline Decline
Refer to point 4.10 under the Fire section.
4.2 Subsidence and Landslip
Refer to point 4.15 under the Fire section.
4.3 Retaining walls
Refer to point 4.11 under the Fire section.
4.4 Thatch and non-standard construction
See section: Thatch/Timber/Non-Standard Construction.
4.5 Wild baboons/monkeys
Refer to point 4.17 under the Fire section.
4.6 Escalation
Refer to point 4.2 under the Fire section.
4.7 Geysers/Water heating systems
Refer to point 4.18 under the Fire section.
4.8 Theft of external fixtures and fittings
4.8.1 If the building is insured on the policy, cover may be extended to include theft of external fixtures and fittings. Take loss history and security measures in place into consideration when affording this cover.
4.8.2 The sum insured is limited to a maximum of R250 000.
4.8.3 Air conditioning units/vents attached to the building will be included under this optional extension.
External fixtures and fittings 3% 10% of claim minimum R750
4.9 Prevention of access
Cover is limited to 25% of the Rent sum insured, not exceeding R20 000 000.
Commercial Underwriting Mandates and Guidelines – Binder – Version 2 2020 45