Page 79 - Policy Wording - Hollard Business Binder (2020-06-24)
P. 79

 Business All Risks
3.11.5 If cover is provided, the following endorsement is applicable:
"The Company will not be responsible for any loss of or damage caused whilst the drone is in use."
3.11.6 The Public Liability section should be endorsed to exclude the use of drones or the word "aircraft" must be extended to include drones.
3.11.7 Please refer this risk to Hollard where increased cover is required.
Minimum Rate
         L (Low)
a) Office machines
b) Regalia
c) Dispensing machines
d) Business books
e) Computers and printers (alternatively electronic section)
f) CCTV installations
g) PABX and other telephone systems
h) Scientific and medical instruments
i) Stamp and coin collections
j) Generators
k) Pumps, mixers and welding equipment
l) Guests' property (guest houses)
10% of claim minimum R500
    M (Medium)
a) 2-way radio systems
b) Pagers
c) Television sets and VCRs
d) Sound equipment for home use only
10% of claim minimum R500
         H (High)
a) Car radios, phones
b) Cameras and video cameras
c) Laptops
d) Hand-held devices, tablets and notebooks, GPS
e) Pocket calculators
f) Doctor's bags
g) Survey equipment
h) Tents, marquee tents
i) Portable radios, television sets
j) Commercial travellers' samples
k) Tools (item value if in a toolbox) and tool boxes
l) Cellular phones
m) Employees' property
n) Pedal cycles
o) Glass milking bottles (milking machine has to be covered as well, most likely Fire)
p) Insemination flasks and contents, tubes
q) Electrical cables (pivots and other)
10% of claim minimum R500
    X (Extra High)
   Drones and remote controlled aircraft (not in flight, stationary only)
7% to 10%
10% claim minimum R1 000
  Commercial Underwriting Mandates and Guidelines – Binder – Version 2 2020

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