Page 85 - Policy Wording - Hollard Business Binder (2020-06-24)
P. 85
Combined Liability (Claims-made Basis)
3.2.6 Excluded risks (Defective Workmanship):
• damage discovered on the insured premises;
• damage to the part(s) worked upon.
3.3 Food and Drink
Food and drink supplied incidentally for consumption on the premises was usually treated as a separate extension but is now automatically included under Public Liability.
3.4 Surveys
3.4.1 Surveys should be conducted as recommended in the Survey section of this guideline or if the information provided in the questionnaire is insufficient to underwrite the risk.
3.4.2 Below are a few examples of risks that the surveyor could identify which may increase the possibility of damage to third party property, death or bodily injury:
• quality of housekeeping;
• accessibility to the public;
• position and type of advertising or other signs;
• general condition of customers' parking areas;
• lifts, escalators, staircases;
• condition of buildings;
• hazardous occupations and processes;
• fire/theft exposures in shopping centers which could ultimately result in the center management being sued if there was negligence on their part.
3.5 Work Away
3.5.1 Cover is intended for businesses that conduct work at a customer's premises and is automatically included in terms of Public Liability.
3.5.2 If the business description includes building contractors, construction, renovators or contracting works (away from premises and other than the office risk) the policy must be endorsed to exclude damage at any building site and any loss of or damage occurring after handing over the work.
3.5.3 It must be noted that this cover does not replace a Contractor's All Risks policy.
3.6 Property Owner's Liability
3.6.1 The cover is automatically included.
3.6.2 Details of the tenant(s) must be provided as this could impact the risk.
3.6.3 An excess can be applied, suggested 10% (ten percent) of claim minimum R1 500 (one thousand five hundred rand).
3.6.4 If a policy is issued with the Buildings Combined section and the Combined Liability section it is advised Sub-section D Liability in terms of the Combined section be cancelled.
3.7 Territories
3.7.1 The territorial limits are contained in the wording and/or policy schedule.
3.7.2 Liability in respect of goods exported to the United States of America and/or Canada is excluded.
3.7.3 Requests for cover pertaining to exports must be referred to Hollard for review.
3.7.4 European Community Liability can be provided on referral to Hollard. The following information must be included:
• records kept for no less than 10 (ten) years;
• containing information on the batch dates, process line, formulae;
• all shipments and dates loaded and off-loaded;
• previous losses;
• storage before shipment.
Commercial Underwriting Mandates and Guidelines – Binder – Version 2 2020 83