Page 88 - Policy Wording - Hollard Business Binder (2020-06-24)
P. 88

 Combined Liability (Claims-made Basis)
   A – Low
Insured premises or business activity is:
a) not particularly susceptible to cause loss or damage or bodily injury;
b) small number of visitors (public) to the premises;
c) small area (racks) of display, no mega display area;
d) not using heavy duty plant, forklifts or travelling cranes;
e) no hazardous commodities on premises;
f) typically auditors, attorneys, etc.
  R1 500
 B – Medium
  Insured premises or business activity is:
a) not particularly susceptible to cause loss or damage or bodily injury;
b) large number of visitors (public) to the premises;
c) large size (racks) of display, meaningful display area;
d) not using heavy duty plant, forklifts or travelling cranes;
e) no meaningful amounts of hazardous commodities on premises;
f) typically bank halls, accommodation, small supermarkets, etc.
  10% of claim minimum R1 500
   C – High
Insured premises or business activity is:
a) reasonably susceptible to cause loss or damage or bodily injury;
b) large number of visitors (public) to the premises;
c) very large (racks) area of display, mega display area;
d) using heavy duty plant, forklifts or travelling cranes;
e) potential for storage or trading in hazardous commodities;
f) hazardous commodities on premises;
g) typically shopping malls, chain stores and hypermarkets, bazaars, etc.
  10% of claim minimum R2 500
 D – Extra High
 Insured premises or business activity is:
a) very susceptible to cause loss or damage or bodily injury;
b) very large number of visitors (public) to the premises;
c) large area (racks) of display (rack area), mega display area;
d) not using heavy duty plant, forklifts or travelling cranes;
e) hazardous commodities on premises;
f) typically Makro-type shop.
 10% of claim minimum R5 000
 E – Refer
  Insured premises or business activity is:
a) particularly susceptible to cause loss or damage or bodily injury;
b) large amount of visitors (public) to the premises;
c) small area (racks) of display, no mega display area;
d) not using heavy duty plant, forklifts or travelling cranes;
e) typically sport stadiums or motor racing venues.
  10% of claim minimum R5 000
Commercial Underwriting Mandates and Guidelines – Binder – Version 2 2020

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