Page 5 - Policy Wording - Commercial Underwriting Mandates & Guidelines Binder Addendum
P. 5

 Annexure A – Treaty Exclusions
  This Contract shall exclude:
1. Obligatory reinsurances other than in respect of inwards treaty reinsurance of branch and/or associated and/or subsidiary companies.
2. Business accepted under any pool or pooling arrangement.
3. Business written on an excess of loss (excepting policies with normal underwriting excesses or deductibles), layered, stop loss or first loss basis (other than theft). However, this exclusion shall not apply to the Corporate business.
4. In respect of Miscellaneous Accident business Fidelity Guarantee, Theft, Burglary, Money and Goods in Transit, other than where sub limited to ZAR 15,000,000 or USD 1,500,000 or GBP 750,000 per class.
5. War and Civil War.
Any loss or damage occasioned by or through or in consequence directly or indirectly of any of the following occurrences, namely:
5.1 War, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities or war-like operations (whether war be declared or not), civil war, mutiny, military rising, insurrection, rebellion, revolution, military or usurped power.
5.2 Any act of any person acting on behalf of or in connection with any organization with activities directed towards the overthrow by force of any government de jure or de facto or to the influencing of it by terrorism or violence.
5.3 Martial law or state of siege or any events or causes which determine the proclamation or maintenance of martial law or state of siege.
5.4 The act of any lawfully established authority in controlling, preventing, suppressing or in any other way dealing with any occurrence referred to in clauses 1., 2., and 3.;
5.5 Permanent or temporary dispossession resulting from confiscation, commandeering or requisition by any lawfully constituted authority.
are excluded from the protection of this Contract.
If the Reinsurer alleges that, by reason of 1, 2, 3 or 4 of this exclusion, loss or damage is not covered by this Contract, the burden of proving the contrary shall rest on the Reinsured.
6. Nuclear Energy Risks in accordance with the Nuclear Energy Risks Exclusion Clause (Reinsurance) (1994) (Worldwide excluding U.S.A. and Canada) ~ NMA 1975A.
This Contract shall exclude Nuclear Energy Risks whether such risks are written directly and/or by way of reinsurance and/or via Pools and/or Associations.
For all purposes of this Contract Nuclear Energy Risks shall mean all first and/or third party insurances or reinsurances (other than Workers’ Compensation and Employers’ Liability) in respect of:
6.1 All Property on the site of a nuclear power station.
Nuclear Reactors, reactor buildings and plant and equipment therein on any site other than a nuclear power station.
6.2 All Property, on any site (including but not limited to the sites referred to in 6.1 above) used or having been used for:
6.2.1 the generation of nuclear energy or
6.2.2 the production, use or storage of nuclear material.
6.3 Any other Property eligible for insurance by the relevant local Nuclear Insurance Pool and/or Association but only to the extent of the requirements of that local Pool and/or Association.
6.4 The supply of goods and services to any of the sites, described in 6.1 to 6.3, above unless such insurances or reinsurances shall exclude the perils of irradiation and contamination by Nuclear Material.
 Commercial Underwriting Mandates & Guidelines – Binder Addendums – Version 2 2020 2

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