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Note: contact the local District Court for any exhibits or forms referred to within these pages.
(15) Any other case for which good cause is shown and the Court so orders.
Pursuant to Rule 26, M.R.Civ.P., the following discovery rules shall be followed in every cause not exempted above, except Domestic Relations Cases and those cases wherein good cause is shown by motion and affidavit:
(I) Except with leave of Court, a party may not seek discovery from any source before making an appropriate pre-discovery disclosure and may not seek discovery from another party before serving that party with an appropriate disclosure. A party may serve written interrogatories upon a party simultaneously with service of the required disclosure statement upon that party. Every party shall serve and file an appropriate disclosure not later than fifteen days in advance of the Case Scheduling Conference. The disclosure shall contain the following information:
(a) the factual basis of every claim or defense advances by the disclosing party. In the event of multiple claims or defenses, the factual basis for each claim or defense;
(b) the legal theory upon which each claim or defense is based including, where necessary for a reasonable understanding of the claim or defense, citations or pertinent legal or case authorities;
(c) the name, and if known, the address and telephone number of each individual known or believed to have discoverable information about the claims or defenses, and a summary of that information;
(d) a copy of, or a description, including the location and custodian, of documents or data compilations, and tangible things and relevant documents reasonable likely to bear on the claims or defenses;
(e) a computation of any damages claimed; and
(f) the substance of any insurance agreement that may cover any resulting judgment.
(2) Supplementation of Disclosure. The disclosure obligation is reciprocal and continues throughout the case. A party who has made a pre-discovery disclosure is under a duty to supplement or correct the disclosure within a reasonable time if the party learns that the information disclosed is not complete and correct or is no longer complete and correct.
(3) Signing of Disclosure. Every mandatory disclosure or supplement made by a party represented by counsel shall be signed by at least one attorney of record. A party who is not represented by counsel shall sign the disclosure. The signature of counsel or the party constitutes a certification that to the best of the signer’s knowledge, information, and belief, formed after the reasonable inquiry, the disclosure is complete as of the time it was made.
(4) Sanctions. A sanction may be imposed for violation of Rule 6. Sanctions shall be imposed in accordance with Rule 37, M.R.Civ.P.
Rule 7 - communications with the couRt
A. Communications. All communications with the Court shall go through the District Court Administrator or the Clerk of Court to ensure that no ex parte communications take place and to ensure judicial economy. The Court will not receive letters or other communication from counsel or parties which do not indicate on their face that copies have been sent to opposing counsel.
B. Ex Parte Communications. There will be no ex parte discussion with the Court of substantive issues involved in pending or anticipated cases without the presence of or notice to all opposing counsel, or without prior approval or stipulation by such counsel. A violation of this rule may result in the imposition of sanctions against the offending attorney or party.
C. Reminders to the Court. In the event the Court has under advisement any matter (including but not limited to a motion or decision in a bench trial) for a period of more than ninety (90) days, each party affected thereby is encouraged to send to the Court a reminder letter particularly describing the matter under advisement and stating the date the matter was taken under advisement.
Rule 8 - couRt RecoRds
The Clerk of Court of each county is the custodian of the files of the Court for such county. The Clerk may allow papers to be taken from the Clerk’s office in accordance with the rules of court and appropriate statutes provided that no will, bond, deposition, exhibit or undertaking shall be taken from the Clerk’s office under any circumstances, and no judgment before it is recorded, except by order of the Court in writing. Nothing shall be removed from the files in criminal actions before trial
without a written order from the judge.
No file shall be taken from the office of the Clerk of Court in any county
without the consent of the Clerk and without a receipt acknowledged in writing by the party taking the same provided, however, that no record or paper belonging to a file shall be taken from the custody of the Clerk for a period of twenty-four (24) consecutive hours of a working day after its initial filing except by permission of the judge of the Court.
When no proceedings have been taken in any civil cause for a period of one year, the action will be dismissed on its merits and/or the file closed by the Court on its own motion after ten (10) days notice of such intended dismissal unless good cause to the contrary is shown.
Any party that intends to show cause that an action should not be dismissed or the file closed will give notice of his/her reasons for opposing the dismissal to any other party. Within ten (10) days of such notice, any other party may file his/her objection and notice the matter for hearing. The Clerk shall give notice to the attorneys of record or the parties when an action is dismissed pursuant to this rule.
The Clerk shall notify the attorney of record ninety (90) days before the expiration of two (2) years from the filing of an estate matter that it has not been completed and that fact will be brought to the attention of the Court in ninety (90) days for such action as may be appropriate.
Rule 10 - Filings
A. Filing Fees. All pleadings, motions, and briefs shall be filed with the Clerk of Court. The Clerk of Court shall not accept or file any document required to be accompanied by a filing fee, unless the fee is paid or the Court has approved a fee waiver in writing.
B. Proposed Pleadings. Upon the filing of a motion for leave to file an amended complaint or answer, a complaint in intervention, or any other pleading requiring leave of Court to file, the movant shall file with the motion, a copy of the proposed pleading or amendment and lodge the original with the Clerk of Court. If leave to file is granted, the Clerk of Court shall file the original forthwith.
C. Discovery. Pursuant to Rule 4, UDCR, no discovery documents shall be filed with the Clerk of Court without prior leave of Court. Upon receipt of a deposition, the Clerk of Court shall mark it received and place it in the court file.
D. Jury Demands. When a demand for a jury trial is incorporated in a pleading, parties shall so indicate in the title as well as the body of the pleading.
E. Striking Pleadings. Any papers filed which do not conform to Rule 10 or 11, M.R.Civ.P., may be stricken by the Court, on its own initiative and upon such terms as to the Court may appear just.
F. Orders. When any written order or judgment is made by the Court, it must immediately thereafter be presented to the Clerk for filing. G. Brief Deadlines. All briefs required by rule, statute, or Court order to be filed by a date certain shall be filed on or before 5:00 p.m. by that date. Except where approval from the Court is obtained prior to the date certain, and notice thereof is provided to each party by the party seeking an extension of time, filing beyond the date certain may result in the Court’s disregarding the brief and/or subject counsel to an
appropriate sanction.
H. Length of Briefs. No brief shall exceed 20 pages in length,
exclusive of indices and appendices. This page limit includes the statement of undisputed facts in a Motion for Summary Judgment. No separate statement of genuine issues, disputed, or undisputed facts shall be filed by any party when briefing a Motion for Summary Judgment, nor may a separate statement be submitted as an attachment. Rather, all such issues shall be included in the brief that is subject to the page limitation. Additional pages may be filed only with leave of the Court upon a showing of good cause.
Form of Briefs. Refer to Rule 1, Montana Uniform District Court Rules
Case Citations. Every specific reference to a statement from a cited case shall contain a pinpoint citation.
I. Courtesy Copies. Courtesy copies for all motions and briefs filed with the Clerk of Court shall be made available to the Court for consideration. Copies may be mailed, faxed or emailed to the Court Chambers in Columbus, Montana.
  Rule 9 - dismissal FoR FailuRe to PRosecute
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