Page 15 - AreaNewsletters "Feb'18" issue
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Insure the Love for
by Teddi Ann Barry, Esq., Divorce in Colorado e Love You Marry is
Not the Devil You Divorce.
So often we hear, during a divorce, that our clients wish it was as dif cult to marry as it is to divorce. While we are not wishing dif culty either way for people, we want people to understand that Marriage Insurance is available!
So often I hear about how unromantic a prenuptial agree- ment is, or how people don’t think they have anything to protect, or if THEY would ever divorce, it wouldn’t be a ght.
The Love You Marry is Not the Devil You Divorce.
While not all divorces are contentious, the reality is, people can know a lot more about how it ends – if it would ever end – before they even begin.
• Areyougoingtoliveinthehomealreadyownedbyone
of you?
• Howmuchiseachofyoucontributingtomonthlyexpenses?
• Willyoutreatthedebtofeachofyouasmaritaldebtnow?
• What happens with that monetary gift from grandma to
buy the house or car?
• Who has what in retirement?
Consider having these conversations before you say “I do”, so you aren’t ever left thinking “What did I do?!”
Valentine’s Day
With the holiday engagements behind us and the Valentine’s Day engagements fast approaching, there is a lot more couples should be considering than dresses, caterers, and locations for a wedding.
Do you really know who you are marrying? What’s his debt picture look like? How much is she spending on “necessi- ties” a month? Are someone’s parents going to help you buy a home? Is this a second marriage with children to protect? What is the exit strategy?
Insure the Love! This is done with a contract – a premarital or post-marital agreement that can de ne what is separate and what is marital, and what happens if the marriage would end.
It is time to nd
Divorce Resolution
through high quality
Client Care.
Call now to nd out how!
333 Perry Street, Suite 214 Castle Rock, CO 80104
This way you can both make sure matters are handled as you wish – which may be different than the law otherwise dictates.
Teddi Ann Barry, P.C. offers complimentary consultations for all couples getting married and wanting to better understand pre-marital and post-marital agreements. Call 720-722-0776 now or nd out more at
15 Castle Rock “AreaNewsletters • Febuary 2018