Page 22 - AreaNewsletters "Mar'19" issue
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Need individual help?
Want one-to-one guidance? Could use step-by-step instructions?
Stop by the library in Castle Rock any Wednesday morning (9:00-Noon) to "Ask a Genealogist". One of our experienced researchers will be there waiting to show you how you can  nd answers to your family research questions. FREE.... just drop in!
Castle Rock Genealogical Society
All regular CRCGS functions occur at the Philip S. Miller Library, 100 S. Wilcox St., Castle Rock, unless otherwise noted in description.
To Register, click > >
Mondays, from 10:00-noon
“GENEALOGY SHARE”. Whether you are a serious researcher a curious listener, you are invited to attend an open discussion of all things genealogy! No question is too basic, no problem too complicated, and everyone is welcome. Let our roomful of interested researchers have “a go” at your problem...or discover that your own experience can help someone else  nd answers. It is FUN, INTERESTING, and always ENLIGHTENING! Stop in any Monday the library is open.
Special 4-Part Series of Classes
This Series is based on the book “Research Like a Pro” by Diana Elder. You buy the book on your own, but the classes and expert guidance are COMPLETELY FREE. We will guide you through two chapters/sections of the book per class, delving into the research methods professional genealogists successfully use every day.
Wednesday, March 13, 10:00am-Noon, Sections 1 & 2 Wednesday, March 27, 10:00am-Noon, Sections 3 & 4 Wednesday, April 10, 10:00am-Noon, Sections 5 & 6 Wednesday, April 24, 6:30-8:30pm, Sections 7 & 8
You don’t HAVE to attend all four, but why not get the full bene t of this great series for only the cost of the book. First, purchase the book, then register FREE at Here is your chance to  ll in the gaps in your research methodology. All are welcome!
Every Third Saturday (unless announced) the CRCGS monthly meeting and program is open to anyone who is curious to know more about family research topics. Be sure to attend Sat., March 16th, we will gather at 10:00am to hear Andi Linkens present a program called “Learn the Power of Probate.” Enjoy free co ee and snacks. YOU are welcome, no registration required. It’s a very interesting way to spend a Saturday morning.
CRCGS Monthly Program
“Learn the Power of Probate”
Sat., March 16 • 10:00am
at the Philip S. Miller Library, 100 S. Wilcox St., Castle Rock
A discussion of the probate process and the many records that may be available to researchers. Learn why probate is an important and necessary step in your complete research plan. Learn the process and  nd the records!
D Presenter Diane Barbour
iane Barbour has 20-years of research
experience, and is a graduate of the National
Institute of Genealogical Studies, University of
Toronto, earning a Professional Learning Certi cate in Genea- logical Studies. She is past president of Broom eld Genealogical Society, is education coordinator for Boulder Genealogy, and volunteers for Denver Public Library and the National Archives in Broom eld. We welcome her expertise to CRCGS!
If you’re interested in becoming a member in 2019, or need to renew your Membership?
Annual Dues: $30 Individual
$40 Household (2 people)
$25 Student
March 2019 • Castle Rock “AreaNewsletters” 22
Everyone is welcome. Stop by!
All programs are FREE!

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