Page 15 - AreaNewsletters "Jan 2022" issue
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CRCGS Castle Rock Colorado Genealogical Society Genealogy Castle Rock Colorado Genealogical Society (CRCGS) CRCGS is a recognized non-profit organization and donations are tax deductible. All programs and classes are offered free of charge, unless otherwise noted, thanks to the support of our members and their annual dues. All regular CRCGS functions occur at the Philip S. Miller Library, 100 Wilcox St., Castle Rock, CO 80104 unless otherwise noted in the event description. Check our website for updates to our programming and education. Your dues help us provide quality Saturday program speakers, educational classes, special interest groups, and workshops. Our membership year is from January 1 to December 31. Go to and click Join/Renew. You can pay with PayPal or download a Membership form and mail it to the address. We look forward to another exciting year of learning and sharing your expertise with other genealogists. Thursday, January 6, 2022 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. via ZOOM Webinar Land Records to the Rescue! Presented by Alice Hoyt Veen Many genealogists avoid land research but identifying and understanding the documents associated with your ancestor’s real property is an essential step in understanding your family and can help solve genealogical puzzles. Learn techniques for getting the most from land records and see how they contribute to the breakthrough of a typical genealogical ‘brick wall’. Native Iowan Alice Hoyt Veen is a Board-certified genealogist, professional researcher, and genealogical educator. She believes family history success lies in truly understanding the records our ancestors created. Her presentations reflect this philosophy through real case-study examples and hands-on practice. Go to Member Login then Class Registration Saturday, January 15, 2022 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. via ZOOM Webinar Our European Ancestors’ Voyage to America Presented by Katherine Willson Learn about your immigrant ancestors’ voyage from Europe to the United States, and how those journeys changed from the 18th century through the 20th century. How did our ancestors prepare for the journey? What immigration restrictions & quota laws did they face? How were ports of departure and arrival chosen? What was the ticket cost? How long would the journey take, and what were the expected ship accommodations? Katherine R. Willson of Michigan is an engaging & dynamic genealogical educator at local, regional, and national events; the original cataloger of the "Genealogy on Facebook," "Genealogy on YouTube," and "Genealogy Podcasts" lists; and a professional researcher who specializes in the use of indirect evidence to solve clients' difficult genealogical problems in the Great Lakes region. required at SHARE: Sharing Help And Research Experience via Zoom Webinar Every Monday 10 a.m. – Noon Join us on Monday mornings to share Genealogy research roadblocks and triumphs, pick up a few tricks and tips, and hear some great family stories from your fellow genealogists. Registration required at Registration Are you interested in becoming a member in 2022 or need to renew your Membership? 15 Castle Rock “AreaNewsletters” • January 2022