Page 17 - AreaNewsletters "Apr'18" issue
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wE L L n E S S & L i F E S t y L E
Thieves is Young Living’s #1 Selling Essential Oil!!
By Angela Hoelz, young Living Essential oils
Thieves is the most popular oil and there is also a whole line of products made from this powerhouse blend! Dish Soap, wipes, Laundry detergent, toothpaste, mouthwash and our infamous Thieves household Cleaner are just a few! It’s been tested in Universities for it’s ability to clean and is unmatched in supporting your immune system. I wanted you to know about this product because it’s how our house stays above the wellness line during this time of year. This one product can make a huge di erence in your home too. It actually smells like Christmas and who wouldn’t want that all year long. young Living’s one-of-a-kind thieves blend, crafted in the spirit of the legend of four 15th century French thieves who formulated a special aromatic blend composed of clove, rosemary and cinnamon to protect themselves while robbing the dead and dying. In exchange for a more lenient punishment, they revealed what they used. Thieves essential oil blend is highly regarded for its ability to support the immune system. Knowing all this is why we
di use thieves every day and all day for extra
immune support.
In your Premium Starter Kit with the 11 individ- ual oils you will receive Thieves vitality, the dietary supplement, so please make sure and take this one internally. yes, it’s completely safe and is safe for ingestion. Use this sweet and spicy avor as an addition to your daily wellness regimen.
Want to know more?
I would love to talk with you and educate you and your family how Thieves can make the di erence in your family’s health.
However you can use this oil, DO IT!
di use in your home, o ce, classroom or even in your car driving! We do!!
Castle Rock “AreaNewsletters • April 2018
This month set up a co ee chat with me, and receive a FREE sample of Thieves household Cleaner!
Mention #AreaNewsletters when you order...
Mention#AreaNewsletterswhenyouorder andyou’llalsoreceive $20Amazongiftcard. you’llneverlookatthoseothertoxicloaded household cleaners the same. Call me at 303-882-4222 or email
• Add 1-2 drops to a vegetarian gel capsule and take daily or as needed as a dietary supplement.
• Put a drop in your morning juice, tea or co ee. this will give your morning beverage a avor boost.
• Add a drop to your oatmeal