Page 24 - AreaNewsletters "Sept 2020" issue
P. 24

B US I N E S S / F I N A N C E
After booking a headshot session, the most frequently asked question I get is:
“But What Would I Wear?!”
By Lisa Christianson Photography
Solid colors. I highly suggest solid colors as op- posed to patterns for headshots and portraits.Patterned shirts tend to be distracting and the focus needs to be on you. If you have a favorite patterned shirt
that you feel especially comfortable with, you could pair it with a solid cardigan or jacket to tone it down and feel con dant at the same time.
Jewel tones and rich colors photograph
very well and compliment all complexions.
Look at the colors that will compliment your
eyes. Pick a shirt color that contrasts against your skin color, instead of one that blends into your skin.This is the secret to making your headshots POP!
If you think you need help then feel free to bring a variety of options to your appointment and I would be
happy to go over your wardrobe with you and pick an out t that’s complimentary to your complexion and emphasizes your “style”.
Black or white wardrobe choices are usually used for very distinct personal brands because they are such high contrast colors. It’s hard to pull details out of blacks in a pho- tograph so I suggest using it as an undershirt or picking a shirt that has some texture to help bring out the de nition. But, if it is your
signature look we will de nitely rock that look! When considering whites, a plain white shirt can become visually distracting when it’s the brightest thing you see in the image.Remember,we want your expression and eyes to be the key focus.
Let’s talk about color.
September 2020 • Castle Rock “AreaNewsletters”

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