Page 18 - AreaNewsletters "Jan'19" issue
P. 18
Dave Barton Chiropractic
H E A L T H / WE L L N E S S / L I F E S T Y L E
A Year of
NO SHOPPING? Declutter Your Home and Your Life by Tracy Pierce,
There’s been a fair amount of talk around the internet in the last few years about a “year of no shopping”. Have you heard about this and wondered how it might bene t you? Is it something you would ever consider doing?
One of the ways we can eliminate clutter in our homes is by not bringing it into our lives in the rst place. For some, shopping can be a big distraction that keeps us from feeling what is really happening and prolonging feelings like grief or unhappiness.
In this video I speak with Jennifer Pennell, a meditation coach and IST (inner space techniques) practitioner. Jen is just about to complete her own year of no shopping, and I got to ask her a bunch of questions about her journey. Her answers are insightful and inspiring. Check it out:
Would you ever consider doing a year of no shopping? I’d love to hear about your experiences and thoughts about this in the comments on the original blog post here.
in the NEXT Issue, email: by the 15th!
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January 2019 • Castle Rock “AreaNewsletters” 18
Wishing you a happiest of new years and many blessings in 2019!