Page 19 - AreaNewsletters "Oct'18" issue
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H E A L T H / WE L L N E S S / L I F E S T Y L E
Time for raking leaves, decorating for Halloween and picking apples!
Doesn’t Apple Pie sound delicious. The warm scent of cinnamon and clove make every home feel warm and cozy. I don’t even have to bake that pie to not only get that delicious fall aroma but also the bene ts of supporting my families health.
I just have a diffuser loaded with my Young Living essential oils. Essential oils can help support your respiratory and immune system all day long.
Di use this recipe together on warm fall days: 4 drops Bergamot
4 drops Lemon
3 Drops Nutmeg
Contact me, I’d love to hear from you: Mobile: (303) 882-4222
It’s Fall
Essential oils are derived from the leaves, roots,  owers and bark of plants. They are concentrated liquids of the plants and are bene cial to our bodies. Humans have been using these plants and oils for centuries to support their health and emotional well-being. I couldn’t even begin to cover all the health bene ts of essential oils, so I recommend using Google or Google Scholar to do your own research.
Some of my favorites for Fall are Cinnamon, Clove, Orange, Nutmeg and especially our famously fall scent - Thieves! Imaging being able to create a non- toxic, chemical free and all-natural way to capture your favorite fall scents in your own home. I used to be one of those candle loving moms thinking I was creating this warm and cozy environment for my family to relax and feel good. Imagine my shock when I learned how those candles and sprays are linked to serious health and especially breathing problems. I’m happy to have  nally removed all the candles and rely on Young Living’s many essential oils to create unique blends to enjoy. Pick a cozy sweet fall di user blend to try this fall season and enjoy with your family knowing these oils are supporting the health of your family.
Many of these oils are helping your immune system while also helping to bring the best of the season in your home. There’s nothing like coming home from work or school and enjoying the sweetness of autumn with a light and breezy blend.
By Angela Hoelz, Young Living Essential Oils
What’s your favorite fall beverage? For me it’s Spiced Cider, nothing says fall like it! Make your home smell the same. Adding a Citrus-ee oil adds a delicious smell to any blend.
6 drops Orange 2 drops Nutmeg 1 drop Cinnamon Bark 1 drop Clove
Many of you will be raking leaves soon, if not already, and the kids all love jumping in. There’s nothing like that crisp aroma of the great outdoors without having to bring it all indoors! Although the kids would love dragging in tree branches and leaves into your family room, here’s another option. You can create it with a few drops of these Young Living oils.
6 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce 2 drops Wintergreen
2 drops Eucalyptus Globulus
Create aromas of baking without doing the actual baking!!! Snickerdoodle - YUMMMMM
5 drops Orange
5 drops Stress Away
3 drops Cinnamon Bark
1 drop Clove
1 drop Nutmeg
Let me help you learn how these oils can help you and your family! Order your Premium Starter Kit, which includes many of the oils listed in these recipes and receive a $25 Target gift card AND I’ll also include a Pocket Reference Guide so you’ll know how to use them.
Castle Rock “AreaNewsletters • October 2018

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