Page 24 - AreaNewsletters "June'19" issue
P. 24

Castle Rock Genealogical Society
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CRCGSisarecognizednon-pro torganizationanddonationsaretaxdeductible. Allofourprogramsandclassesare o ered free of charge thanks to the support of our members and their annual dues. All events take place at Phillip S. Miller Library, 100 S. Wilcox, Castle Rock, CO 80104, unless otherwise speci ed. If you would like to help continue this valuable e ort in our community, please pick up a membership form in person, or download one from our website. Annual dues are $30 for an individual, $40 per household (2), Youth (under 18) $25. We hope you’ll join us!
CRCGS June Happenings
Beginning Geneaogy 2 Wed., June 5 • 6:30 - 8:30pm The  nal session of this 2-part series will cover the use of genealogy software, working with online resources such as,, and more, and discuss ways to organize your research.
Monthly Program Sat., June 15 • 10am-12pm
Genealogy S.H.A.R.E. Drop-In
Sharing Help And Research Experience
Every Monday 10:00 AM - Noon
Have you been researching for a long
time and hit a brick wall? Have you
recently come upon information or sources which opened a new window to your research? Join us on Monday mornings for a fun round table of sharing our successes and frustrations, collaboration, and peer- to-peer assistance. You might be surprised how the pieces of the puzzle come together with the help of the group!
Historic Bus Tour Sat., July 20 • 10am-3pm
Revisit the  rst three decades of Denver’s history in the comfort of an air-conditioned coach (sack lunch included) by joining CRCGS and Denver History Tours on this special trip, “First
Families of Denver”.
Payment Details and Registration
CRCGS Monthly Program
“American Immigration History”
Sat., June 15 • 10am-12pm
Philip S. Miller Library, 100 S. Wilcox St., Castle Rock
T Presented by Dr. James Walsh
he audience will walk through two hundred years of American Immigration History, focusing speci cally on Colorado and its many ethnic and cultural dimensions. James Walsh is a Clinical Associate Professor in the Political Science Department at the University of Colorado Denver, where he has taught for the past 21 years. He is the co-author of Irish Denver and The Leadville Irish. Walsh is also the founder of Romero Theatre Troupe, an all-volunteer organic community theatre that specializes in preserving unknown human rights history.
If you’re interested in becoming a member this year, or need to renew your Membership?
Annual Dues: $30 Individual
$40 Household (2 people)
$25 Student
June 2019 • Castle Rock “AreaNewsletters” 24
Everyone is welcome. Stop by!
All programs are FREE!

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