Page 104 - Yggdrasil 1985
P. 104

 I believe the children are our future
teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children’s laughter remind us how we used to be
A devil abroad and a saint at home. John Bunyan
Rules are made to be broken. Titi Quiros
Youth comes but once in lifetime. Longfellow
T eresa
May 2, 1967
Titi .A Mu/feet ...; Inten'se ... KiHeffJLf^Big 5
... BaraCade|A:, Anp I want ice . .. The Love Boat... Svffms in Ghrisiina’^kitchien . . . Cristina, Save the cup to get. into Monty’s ... KBHrm#36 #93v .. YQR3|9 ... VelveJ prfem ... La Perra .. Dpuble Trouble ... St. Doming0j§4 ... Madonna ... Acute Be^oritis ... 4/29/84 ... Stefano’s ... Club Z ji ..Anj^ nd e^'pa^ahto ... I’lpjpnn diet... Miss jiond
p . Chrdny .. /Gaclfy’s interest ... 'stuck .... me,riiffsle .... Oven of France ... F.P.I^V,'. Souther|i%|ell .|$ Monfongo ,.. G:R-ApD-U-A-T-I-C|-N spells relief... K.L.S."... .\jQuarters v•/.., Aha, it’s riot^2:i0 yet . . . Z T ’s .. Jou kan danslfQ£ f jou vant to ... PR2 ... Picazon .. yjoe, we all make mistakes^... Big Anamarie A . A lic ia ,,,. Cabbage Patch . . . whaler ’ .. H2o skiing •...(§ P.E^ItfffScram bled eggs . heart ^ffailure I/... Anamafie; rtif fatReFt.! I have to cafjpriy mom f , .The _boat ... Bambi ... Ana, GO!!,... Anamarii|||ppfkeWwon an bospar ... Ani, se va ... Switzerland ... Chicb’I . {ylliidnight Munchies ... Gachy don’t , Embarque iJ.iMapojjonifa, You’re the best!! ... Big “B”, yotere great ... Moil^ooM’ .'B4. P5T1 ....,..^MWjj|eerre''’s my keys?*. . \4'* I’ll miss rlShei gf ood tihfrtptigs*r ... Gachy/Elo/Cris/rne/Ana/Ani/Artarnarie . . . Thanks Carroll-­ ton ... Whipped cream p H j lunch •f?Sm Thanks M,T,M,L,L,M,N,A,^1ami and Papi I ESuv You ... *Rwememberi world: “Live to love and you will love to live,”
George Benson

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