Page 109 - Yggdrasil 1985
P. 109

 Maria Eugenia Valiente July 2. 1967
Havana, Cuba
Lenny ... 7/13/84 ... M ari-... Fine! ... I promise I’ll call you back ... Sara Maria ... Big Five Debs ... Christmas Formal ... Sara: I knew I was going to crash today ... Europe ... Boston College... Chuchi a muerte ... Ballet ... I can’t go I have rehearsals ... Honda, Prelude ... Key Biscayne ... 7/9/84 ... Rina, what are you going to do tonight . . . Columbus Prom . . . Kongsita ... Laura say "up” ... Sr. Cookie ... Prom 84 ... Double Protection ... Diet!!! ... Gorda ... Jose, get out of my room! . . . Is your hair wet or dirty?, . . . Northbound, Southbound, whatever! . . . Columbus Homecoming . . . I haven’t invited yet ... D' Pizza ... Maria, don’t embarcate me ... I love you Mom and Dad ... Thanks Carrollton for so many wonderful memories . . .
; Secretary of Academic Committee 12 j Riviera Day Care Center 12
1 Academie Committee 12
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
If you love something set it free,
If it comes back to you, it's yours
If it doesn't, It was never meant to be.
J i
Cultural Arts Committee 10 Columbus Exchange PrograrfflU) J j Theatre and Entertainmeat-C«i»biiuq Layout Staff 9
Pep and Spirft
After Three Commitj^^^H| B10fe,Team 9.-12 1
La amistad es como una semilla que uno planta y ella florece con el tiempo.
Cristina Sousa
“Some men see things as they are and say “Why?”. I dream things that never were and say “Why| not?”
^George Bernard Shaw!
0 j
A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you., .
It’s better to have loved andjost, than never to have loved at all.

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