Page 119 - Yggdrasil 1985
P. 119

from left to right: Laura Teran (Committee Coordinator), Mrs. Berceli (Faculty Rep.), Ani Martinez (Secretary-Treasurer), Christine Campbell (Freshmen Class President), Sara Rionda (President of Congress), Ana Kong (Committee Coordinator), Ashley Zachar (Sophomore Class President), Sister Cooke (Director of Students) Lynn Mannarino (Junior Class President), Alexandra Arriandiaga (Senior Class President), Mrs. Holtmann (Faculty Representative).
The Carrollton Congress is the government structure for all non-academic groups that meet in the High School. It brings coordination and cohesion to extra-curricular activities. The Congress meets at least once a week to review, edit, accept or reject proposals from the groups - (committees, classes, etc.) It recommends policies and procedures to the Director of the High School.

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