Page 159 - Yggdrasil 1985
P. 159

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To MyiBast Friend Ana .pnd a y Old Classmates, THE SEIZORS: ■
■ You are allwefy special to me and even though'my rra%says "class of^84", I'like to congidil myself as part of your
class too. I’d lika ta remind yep o m :4eW|flportant thingsJyhiclv%rie often forgettjjh* They are gtidj|lines to living your life. e Do.your BEST to be who you/are arid Whjwou want to Ire,-learn from\and treasure the past, prepare fof and dream of the future But Sva flchipioinentyf tip present hecayse it jy precious,’'experience all kinds'of things, reach for your goals, take
opportunities, ^ Iqudi all will lofljj appre^te the spegfal things like fSrafly, friends, literature, naturtk art,',riiusic, hedtth and' m tim«. Look for bright sideIff ecd^U M ^hi*s that are not meanNo be, always try your besl and be satisfied when * you;do,‘net'er Ip givmg people feha^SJ^wnemt^pmat laughter is the musicmf the soul, don’t regretathf'past, keepsmiling, . be young at hei h, explore tMjfcture and in fate, educate yourself, spread happinesSsarid Ifve, let time
heap your woun Bandlhe thing^uymayjjbt yeflniderstand, give ^ well as rechnre, don’t set iimita&nS, do t^hateyer fori'I V do intensely, d: Over t% DeariW and%ri^ttnedrin yourself and irf' meet, hold onIfo ,fri^ds|with botht hands,
I accept y,o-ur f-a^i .s and those of pd)^l‘W §tis^ve fOT'tna things yoa don't have bunmjoice for tnalftiftgs><lbu dodraBbeaw things tfaSpd^ee^ra resMc|y)rai^Sv®ref^^* is d^6iy«d\eraember that no one is perogct, in$Mr^onlers;to live and love, y w i^ear®, express ^mrself in some way, do whapHras you happj^, remeriiiier that lyo|fcancharigBlm* aiSphagdip yaa^^ldJf « keepsypufrombeinghappy,l|a\jp-tKeworM.fustla-Utilebitbettefckriow Ithat life has hrriathed easier briAjj|l|-JW^jve, lived, arid:;M8%Our life so you„can'^ay; you wouldn’t hip! done it any other wmy. flSe is Gdd’s gift tA ou apd yorifyjfe is your giftToCoa?’ If you,jlo»your oesflp do all thesejlhings ^u wnllhaVefled yourflato tSjjlftp|s^md,"giyen^pd:^ibeautifu|gift.Youwil|alsobb%appy*an|Tsjlthatwhateveryone wishes for? H , that i^vii^at I yvisfefor whj: There, are-two more things.I W anted say to help the nlartache you .imay be feemug. First,ybu .never m aw leave a place yvb Idve.^ali^Qf it you take-A^tff you and part of‘it leave behind. And second, jttwavs leave ® m laimhipgl^en y<Msaylgood-bye. I love you all and I always iltjfl. Best of luck inihll thal you;want to
-do. Jrll see yoflSHmra; It' really iJS |mafRwprld,«
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Paw. glfl!
mMf JHIf
1911 Hmi
X flr
Hugs and Kisses

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