Page 89 - Yggdrasil 1985
P. 89

 ILi \ \ian
Lillian Fernandez . January 26 1967
Miami, Florida
“It doesn’t pay to take life too seriously . re here today and
“Doubt whoever you want to doubt, but nev^yourself."
"Happiness is not having all you want, but wanttog all you have.”
Lil ... Sure, blame it on Lillian ... Silent but
muerta ... que mata! ... Ana, Purple Rain ... Y
. . . Viv . . . Ana K., SIT hjipqr TO ME!! . . . Ana,
the girl with the broken nose v .. Sara, Georgetown .$
... Laura, I can’t draw either E^grigid-Hey Chica ...
talk to Miguel? ... I’ll think about it ... Weezy-Lulu
have a meeting . . . History POW (excuse me) . . . Football
Hey B.B.! W rite your own essays . . . Rosario (how’s
suefto ... I don’t know ... Yes, I have a twin brother ...
frugly ... Ani-Fellow Flunkies ... Chuckness monster ...
eggs . . . eeeeeeee . . . The Whiners . . . Anamarie, Fooood!
Erma? . . . American History tests-it’s your turn to Shakespeare . . . B.K.U. . . . Reviews . . . LAS CHICAS
Versailles ... I’m quiet ... T.R. ... Dolly ... I forgot ...
. . . To my family and friends: Thanks for everything you’ve dope for
Assistant Editor of Yearbook
Assistant^Editor of Focus 12 Science dub 12 Environmental Design 12 Smith Cmlege Book Award 11 Close-Jsp 11
Business 11
Home Economics 11 V^rrench Club 11,12
mosquita is missing Close-Up:
Cultural Arts 10
m Excellence Award in Religion
W 11
Excellence Award in Math
Pep and Spirit 9,10 Intramural Sports 9,10 Nutrition 9
Member of Yearbook Staff 9-12
Honor Roll 9-11
Excellence Award in English 9-11
Service Award 9-11
he Tombs did you can’t, I
.. move WOW

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