Page 210 - Yggdrasil 2020
P. 210

 Staying true to Goal II in the Intermediate School
By Valentina Gomez '23 and Victoria Toledo '23
The Intermediate School teachers were also challeriged to make their classes creative and engaging through a virtual platform. "Virtual learning has challenged me as an educator. The bigges challenge has been staying connected with my students. Athrst, I felt a decline in connectedness with my students. The one-on- one moments were most impacted like the casual conversations around my desk during homeroom when students would share what was on their mind - when I could see in their eyes it they needed some reassurance or even just a hug. I quickly realized that we could still connect, just in a different way. I now make time to talk and touch base several times throughout the day with my students to share whatever is on our minds or just see each other and say hi," wrote Fifth Grade teacher, Mrs. Diaz.
Intermediate School Director, Mrs. Gillingham explained how the entire school still lived out Goal II. She wrote, That we continue to engage in class time in all o f the subject areas is evidence that we value what each discipline has to offer."
"My teachers, friends, and family are a great support system through this tough time. Although I cannot see my teachers, they still push me to learn and do my best to become the best person Ican possibly be," wrote Sela Travieso 26.

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