Page 226 - Yggdrasil 2020
P. 226

 Staying true to Goal II in the Upper School
By Valentina Gomez '23 and Victoria Toledo 23
The Upper School made a daily effort to replicate
a normal school day. Upper School Director, Mrs. Pggrick-Hillenbrand wrote, "We have not missed
a beat We hit the ground running the first week
and only began to ease up a bit right before Easter. Teachers in the Upper School have done an excellent job of adjusting to the new terrain with grace, arid students have met the challenge with resilience."
Mrs. Azan, Upper School English Department Head ofFered this, "It has been challenging not seeing my students, not 'feeling' the culture o f the school or my classroom, but w e still have much to teach and learn from each other and so we go on with great courage and confidence and love."
Mrs. Cuza, Upper School Mathematics Department Head wrote, "We have continued to practice Goal
II in much the same way that we do at school. I think that focusing on the importance o f completing the school year with integrity has encouraged all members ofthe school community to embrace Goal II. The remote learning platform has made it imperative that we respect ourselves and others in our work on assessments and assignments, resisting the temptation to take shortcuts, even though there might not be anyone watching to make sure we act with integrity at every moment. The honor system is just that, on our honor that we are completing our own work."
"This time has demonstrated the importance o f school and intellectual values, and it has shown me just how much our teachers do for us. It has also exemplified my responsibilities as a student," wrote Margarita Miyares '22.
All Things Bright and Beautiful is performed by the Upper School Choir, directed
by Bradley Poore, and is illustrated with images created by Michael Gray's Ninth and Tenth Grade photography students.
Patricia Wiesen's Introduction to Visual Art class students created watercolors
to express a desire for peace, question our place in the universe, explore their feelings, and the calming beauty o f nature. These are their visions in the time o f the C O V ID -19 pandemic.

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