Page 366 - Yggdrasil 2020
P. 366

 Caritas Vincit Omnia
Dear Seniors,
Althoughtheyear2020willforeverbeassociatedwiththeCOVID 19pandemicIchallenge you, the class of 2020, to not let it define you. Instead channel that energy into as what Mahatma Gandhi so eloquently said, "To be the change you wish to see in the world."
As Sacred Heart students, your shared experiences and legacy are rooted in the belief that if you educate both the heart and mind of girls and young women you can change communities and eventually the world. We have already witnessed manifestations o f that pioneering spirit in your class. You are the class that spearheaded the walk to City Hall to speak to commissioners and have your voices heard about gun violence and other social inequalities. You are the Terra Mater class
- I am hopeful that you will continue your efforts individually and as members o f various clubs and organizations to protect the Earth and its resources.
Share the knowledge gained this year on the climate and other environmental crises to inform others. You are the class from that little school on the bay whose classmates led Carrollton to the state championship in soccer for the first time in school history. Each of you has the potential to
be a difference-maker in her career and or community. Use that potential and the God-given gifts bestowed upon you wisely.
I love you and miss your chatter and laughter outside our offices. Carol Recicar
To the Class of 2020

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