Page 379 - Yggdrasil 2020
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Welcome Graduation Speech July 30, 2020
Daniela Rabassa '2 0
Reflection Speech July 30, 2020 Josephine Williams '20
Good evening Mr. Kalkus, Mrs. Feerick- Hillenbrand, Mrs. Fernandez, faculty, staff, parents, family, friends, alumnae, and the g r a d u a t i n g c l a s s o f 2 0 2 0.
W e made it." The stereotypical phrase for
graduates everywhere. Although in our case, these three w ords mean so much
more. We haven't exactly had the typical senior year experience. The C O V ID -19 pandemic took away most of our "lasts" inhighschool.OnMarch 13,2020,we walked through our hallways for the last
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G o o d evening, Mr. Kalkus, Ms. Feerick- Hillenbrand, faculty, parents, loved ones, and, most importantly, the Class of2020.
We did it! We survived the four long years o f high school, closing this chapter on our Carrollton education asyoung women ofthe Sacred Heart.
time. I will never forget walking through the hallways trying to convince myselfthat it wasn't going to be my last day with my Carrollton family but deep inside I knew it was. Although it might seem that this experience tore us apart, Istrongly believe that it brought us closer together than ever. This time allowed us to reflect on the time we have had together.
It might seem like our class will be defined as "the C O V ID -19 graduating class," but I know that we are so much more than that.
When people talk about our class they say, "They are strong and determined." I believe everyone here today can agree on that.
We are the class that put together the best Freshman Follies We are the class that lead the school to state finals.
We are the class that got a little too intense playing assassin, W e are the class that spoke out against gun violence
W e are the class that encouraged Terra Mater
W e are the class that broke records for college acceptances.
Most importantly, we are the class that has stuck together through all of our challenges. The qualities o f strength and determination that thrive in each and every one ofyou will be whatfuels this classto achieve greatness in the future....
As form er President O bam a once said, "As scary and uncertain as these times may be, they are also a wake up call, and they are an incredible opportunity for your generation, because you don t have to accept what was considered normal before. You don't have to accept the world as it is. You can make it into the world as it should be, and could be. You can create a new normal. O ne that is fairer and gives everybody opportunity, and treats everybody equally, and builds bridges between people instead ofdividing them."
As we walk away from our lives as a students ofthe Sacred Heart, it is crucial that w e take the lessons w e have learned into the next years o f our lives. I'm guessing all ofyou are just as scared as Iam to leave our comfort zones and start our lives as independent women, but that fear ofthe future will only hold us back. So instead let us use the lessons we have learned from our Sacred Fleart education to remove the obstacle o f fear and walk tow ard the future w ith courageous hearts.
Thank you, and welcome to the graduation ceremony ofthe class of2020.
contagious confidence, and the steadfast conviction to follow our hearts. Graduation is not just about honoring all
that we have done and the beautiful young women that we have become. It is not just about saying thank you to the teachers and the adults who guided us along the way. In my opinion, it's about expressing gratitude, reflecting on our experiences, understanding the implications o f the next stage o f our new reality, and figuring out how we fit...
As we, the Class of 2020 venture out into a strange and brave new world, I ask you my sisters, to continue to believe in yourself! Be confident in your speech and own your actions. As women ofthe Sacred Heart,
we know that knowledge is power, and it is more important than ever. Knowledge is facts, information, and skills acquired through experience and education. Just because you have not experienced something does not mean you cannot gain that knowledge. As ayoung woman ofcolor at Carrollton, Ihave experienced things that many ofyou cannot relate to. I encourage you all to step outside the boundaries o f your truth. Become knowledgeable and use it to serve others.
Live the Goals that have been imbued in our hearts since our Montessori days. "Love as God loves." Even the peacocks that give you the death stare when all you wanted to do was enjoy your lunch. "Study and learn.” We can always learn something from each other. "Help those who need me." W e've been blessed to be in service to others. "Be a friend to
all." Don't be afraid of differences. God's work is intentional. "Make wise choices." We are all perfectly imperfect.
My sisters remember that you are your own person. You decide what you believe in and what is right for you. Do not let friends, mentors,
or even parents speak for or think for you. O ur class is intelligent and above average. That's not just proven by the many college acceptances, the significant I.B. diplomas or certificates, or the letters on your report card. We have seen and experienced moments ofchange in and out of school and shown perseverance and strength in the months o f C O V ID that will make us the most unique graduating class in history. I have faith, and Ibelieve that we all can change the world. Don't sell yourselfor our community short. The world is counting on us!
Ileave you with these words from a great American poet and civil rights activist, Dr. Maya Angelou. "Don't be a prisoner of ignorance, the world is larger, far more complicated, and far more wonderful than ignorance
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:|i We are well prepared to move into • this next phase o f life, changing the
world, displaying boundless courage,
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memories, and much love to my sisters.

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