Page 425 - Yggdrasil 2020
P. 425

 In loving memory o f Dr. Glenn Barquet and the many others who have given their lives in the service o f others during this pandemic.
Let us pray for them, all those who have lost their lives, and their families.
SOCIETY OF THE SACRED HEART Praying with the world at this time of global pandemic
A t this time o f global pandemic
we pray for the sick and the sufFering,. for al! of us who feel fear and anxiety....
We thank all those who are in the frontline
— doctors, nurses, medical and hospital staff, carers, family members, friends, and strangers — and pray for their safety, health, and strength.
We pray for decision-makers and law enforcers,
that they may be guided in their choices and actions.
We pray for the scientific community,
that they may find the way to contain this coronavirus and render it powerless.
We pray for Mother Earth,
that she may recover from the exhaustion and devastation we have caused her to suffer, and may she help us discover how to resist this virus,
how to restore the beauty and diversity o f nature,
and how to renew ourselves and our lifestyles.
We pray for one another, thatwe may
— practice precaution without being paralyzed;
— exercise social responsibility and think o f the weakest and most vulnerable;
— find creative ways o f connecting, showing care, and sharing compassion;
— devise ways to help those who will be most seriously affected by the steps taken to address
this crisis; and,
— listen and learn from this experience.
With trust and confidence, we cry out to our God of Life and Hope for mercy and healing,...!

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