Page 10 - Yggdrasil 2021
P. 10

 By Kaitlin Johnson '24
"Always together, never apart. Maybe in distance, but never in heart." -Anonymous
The C O V ID -19 pandemic has brought our Sacred Heart family many challenges. With social distancing being the new normal, we have adapted to different ways o f communicating. Whether in our personal lives, the virtual classroom, or hybnd learning- we have become dependent on technology for communication.
During this year's unique circumstances, it is especially important to keep Goal IV atthe core ofour hearts. A Goal IV states, "Schools ofthe Sacred Heart commit themselves to educate to the building o f community as a Christian value. It is through this Goal that we, young women of the Sacred Heart, are reminded to come together and support each other.
This pandemic and required social distancing is only a temporary setback. Although difficult now, these challenges will eventually lead to growth, and together we will come back stronger than before. As a community, we will never be far apart.
Back to school won't look the same this year By Isabella Poiit '2 3
As fall returns, Carrollton has prepared the school for safety W hat to expect?
There are one-way signs on the floors, exit and entry doors, clearly defined. The placement o f desks inside the classrooms and designated seating outside is all clearly marked to follow CDC guidelines for social distancing at 6 feet apart. Masks are required for all students and faculty. Door handles have been wrapped in copper tape - copper being a non-conductor for C O V ID -19 and other viruses.
No more stuffing books and lunches in lockers, no more sharing o f supplies. Everything is designed to help the community practice social distancing and reduce the chance o f airborne C O V ID -19 droplets from infecting others through the universal use o f face masks.
There are outdoor classrooms on both campuses and larger community spaces have been partitioned to create ”pods or cohorts. This will help with contact tracing. Outdoor classrooms are covered with tents to provide shade to the students and faculty while learning. In indoor classrooms the seats and tables are positioned to align with stickers placed on the floor at 6 feet apart. Students are required to clean the desks after class to prevent germs from spreading.
Lights are now automatic and do not have a switch to turn off and on.
Water fountains are only for bottle refill - there is no drinking straight from the fountain. Hand washing and hand sanitizing stations are set up in high traffic areas such as some hallways and lunch areas.
Air conditioning units have been outfitted with UV filters and air purifiers. A sanitizing team cleans the school every night.
Drop off and pick up is socially distanced with the students spread out 6 feet apart as they wait for their parents.
Both campuses have a dedicated nurse station with a full-time nurse. One room on each campus is for regular health issues such as bug bites and injuries - the other is for community members with C O V ID -19 symptoms.
There is a reporting app called "School Pass," which the parents o f students and faculty members need to update daily for entry onto the campus. All community members send an update for the day in which they indicate any feelings o f sickness or symptoms o f the virus. If you have any symptoms you may not attend school until seen by a doctor and receiving a negative C O V ID test result.
In the Upper School there are 10 minute breaks between classes so that there is time to sanitize desks. The student body is divided into “Dialogos” groups for announcements, special activities and discussions. Lunch is also socially distanced with stickers indicating where students may sit. You may take off your mask to eat but you have to put it back on when you are done.
All this will take some time to get used to but it is how we can safely navigate this new school year.
The Class o f 2021 returns to campus to begin their senior year.

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