Page 220 - Yggdrasil 2021
P. 220

 _ent and the Easter Season The light at the end o f the tunnel
By Elly Molina '23
"Lent is a time for hope despite the uncertainties, and to care for those who suffer or feel abandoned and fearful because of the C O V ID -19 pandemic. - Pope Francis
Carrollton School o f the Sacred Heart teaches students the importance o f Lent - the time when we accept the sacrifice Christ made for us and open our hearts to the Lord. The pandemic has caused us to adapt in many ways, but it is when everything seems uncertain, that we especially must turn to God and find fulfilment in Him.
Pope Francis described Lent as a season where, "love rejoices as we come together, and suffers when we remain anguished, lonely, and sick.' The sacrifices we make during Lent are a reminder to share the love we have for Christ with our entire community. Tomorrow, we will rejoice in the resurrection of Christ and honor the suffering He endured for our salvation.

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