Page 6 - Yggdrasil 2021
P. 6

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Honoring Mrs. Carvajal By Elly Molina '23
Mrs. Carvajal was a brilliant teacher who supported her students through 6- through. The gentleness with which she guided us to achieve our goals is truly unforgettable.
Ariana Arvanitis '20
"Mrs. Carvajal was a brilliant teacher who supported her students through and through. The gentleness with which she guided us to achieve our goals is truly unforgettable,"wrote Ariana Arvanitis' 20.
In February Mrs. Raquel Carvajal, beloved Carrollton Upper School faculty member, passed away after a three-month-long battle with C O V ID -19. In 2015, Mrs. Carvajal joined Carrollton as an Upper School math teacher and went above and beyond to educate her students - keeping them engaged and eager to learn. Students, faculty, and staffwill always remember the light, joy and happiness that followed Mrs. Carvajal and are grateful for her time with us.
Mr. Kalkus wrote, "[Mrs. Carvajal] graced so many of us with her tender smile” and is "a true Sacred bleart educator.” As a community united in faith, we will continue to remember and pray for Mrs. Carvajal, her husband, sons, family friends and colleagues who supported her throughout her battle against C O V ID -19.
TheCarrolltoncommunityhasfacedseverallossesduetoCOVID-19,andduringthesehardtimes,wemustnotlosesightofourfaith.InMatthew 18:20God reveals that, "where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them." Praying together will only further unite our Carrollton family during these difficult times.

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