Page 72 - Yggdrasil 2021
P. 72

 Dialogos is a platform for thoughtful discourse and understanding to prom ote peace, justice, inclusion and diversity consistent with the teachings of Christ.
The Upper School recently added Dialogos to the daily schedule, and the students are loving it
Madeline Leafio '22
When the Coronavirus hit, and students everywhere were asked to quarantine for public safety, everyone felt distanced from each other, both literally and figuratively. Since we were separated from each other, we could not have the quick conversations that we normally did which lit up our days. We could not have insightful discussions on real world issues that specifically came to light during the quarantine period like the Black Lives Matter Movement. And most importantly, we could not spend those fleeting moments of our high school career with the people we love, our Carrollton sisters.
We recognize the ways in which our circumstances have led to feelings of isolation, and we hope to reconnect as a community o f faculty, students, and parents in the upcoming weeks, albeit at first remotely. However, since the beginning ofthe2020-2021 Academicyear,wehave40minutesofeverydayinagroupcalledDialogos.Thistimeisspentsocially distant in the same space, or remotely, and through meaningful presentations and conversation.
Dialogos is a Greek word: "dia" meaning through and “logos” meaning word. It is where all parties listen to understand, search for meaning, and hope to glimpse truth. As Catholics, “logos" exists beyond human dialogue to a space in which we can listen to the Word of God through Christ This year, we hope to center ourselves in Christ while reaping the rewards of listening and speaking to one another honestly and respectfully.
During Dialogos, students discuss important issues, as well as homework, and frankly everything in between. Alexandra Faus '22 wrote, “I have gotten to know people in my grade that I would never find myself talking to before this year. I think it is a great addition to the school day, and I cannot wait to continue this new tradition." Lucia Malone ‘22 shared, “It is a great way to just take a deep breath in the middle o f the day, sit with friends (socially distanced o f course), and talk. Sometimes we talk about politics, homework, or even about movies. I never care what we talk about, as long as we get to talk.“ Dialogos is a great addition to the Carrollton culture, and I cannot wait to see how it plays out for the rest o f the year.
Prayer for Dialogos
As we begin, we remind ourselves of how important it is to listen to understand.
We recognize the innate dignity of each person, as created in the image and likeness of God. We ask God for the courage to act against injustice and inequality.
And for the fortitude to denounce discrimination and promote tolerance.
We commit to creating a space in which every individual feels welcome and safe.
And pledge to treat all members o f our community with respect.
And though we know this space will not be perfect.
We ask God for the patience to follow our guidelines.
And for the compassion to honor one another in Dialogos.

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