Page 83 - Yggdrasil 2021
P. 83

 Better late than never By Kaitlin Johnson'24
The Upper School celebrated the 2019-2020 Prize Day virtually for the first time in school history.
Last year, Carrollton was shut down abruptly, due to the C O V ID -19 pandemic. After a long three months of virtual learning, Carrollton decided to push Prize Day back to the fall as everything was in flux.
On Wednesday, September 2, Upper School Head, Mrs. Feerick-Hillenbrand opened Prize Day through a Zoom webinar. Teachers and students were gathered together virtually, where students were recognized for their hard work during the 2019-2020 academic year. No gifts were physically handed out, so the event went fairly quickly.
Upper School Math teacher, Ms. Spillane wrote, “I was sad that 1couldn't congratulate my students in person. These awards mean a lot to my students and I wanted to be able to tell them in person how proud I was o f the work they put in this past year and how far they had come. Still, I think Prize Day went extremely well! Carrollton has done a great job transitioning into a reality of virtual school. The teachers spoke clearly and the stream was smooth. It was enjoyable to watch it all from the comfort of my desk chair!"
Isabella Oliva '23 wrote, "Obviously, it was weird being congratulated virtually with my classmates, and it will never be the same as in person. But, under the circumstances we are in, I understand that this was the best way possible to keep everyone safe. We have to adjust to the new normal and I commend Carrollton and all the teachers for transitioning and putting on such a great Prize Day."

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