Page 86 - Yggdrasil 2021
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Elly's tips for a productive year: P L A N N IN G By Eily Molina "23
It is no surprise that C O V ID -19 has disrupted daily life all over the world - the 2019-2020 school year was cut short with most schools moving to virtual learning. Now with the start ofthe 2020-2021 academic year, students face many unknowns. Will I be able to be on campus? What supplies will I need? How do I stay motivated? Will I fall behind
due to remote learning? How can I protect my family from
C O V ID -19 as I enter into hybrid mode? Fortunately, there are a few tips and tricks to help students ease into the school year without panic.
Let's start with proper PLANNING.
With such a crazy schedule, the first thing everyone needs is
a planner and the commitment to use it. A planner can help you track what assignments you need to complete, which eliminates the fear o f students forgetting any assessments. Students may also find that writing their goals and accomplishments in their planner can help keep them keep motivated and eager to stay on track. Thankfully, Carrollton has provided each student with a planner which helps you to keep track o f all your responsibilities, on campus learning days, and - yes, even tasks not academically related.
A planner gives you the freedom to plan and organize your year in a creative way. You can use different colored pens, add stickers, bookmarks, and other materials that keep you motivated to get organized.

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